Woman's Christian Temperance Union minutes, Grinnell, Iowa, 1913-1928
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April Meeting 1951 The W.C.T.U. meet at the home of Mrs Stanley Trees, April 17, with the President Mrs Stanley presiding. Mrs McBlain had charge of the Devotionals. Scriptuer reading was Ecclesiastes 11:9-10 followed by short prayer from three members, Mrs Stanley Mrs Jones and Mrs McBlain. Secretarys repor read and approved. Treasurers report read and accepted. The program centered around youth. Mrs Allen gave a report on youth orgnization, child welfare established work and study She reported 18 White Ribbon recruits. Mrs Allen was complimented on the program. She and her [loyal?] LTL members presented to the public Mrs Stanley presented the lesson from the Study Book -- Alcoholism is a sickness. A Thank You card was read from Mr and Mrs L R [Terpster?] Mr & Mrs J E German Mr and Mrs C W German 10 members were present, collection 1.30 closed with the Benediction -Eva M Pepoon Secretary [clipping] Church Heads Assail 'Moral Flabbiness' (By Religious News Service.) ATLANTA, GA.--Heads of four Presbyterian churches publicy endorsed here a statement warning President Truman of "the lack of fundamental integrity, the moral flabbiness, that is manifesting itself in the life of our nation, from high government positions down to college athletics." Dr. James R. McCain, moderator of the Presbyterian church, U.S. (Southern), read the statement to almost 1,000 persons gathered at the Central Presbyterian church for special "Moderator's day" service. The statement, which Dr. McCain said expressed "what our churches feel at this time," had earlier been handed to the president in Washington. Endorsing the statement with Dr. McCain here were Dr. Harrison Ray Anderson, Chicago, moderator of the Presbyterian Church, U.S.A., W. Kyle George, Youngstown, Ohio, moderator of the United Presbyterian church, and Dr. Paul A. Stroup, Memphis, Tenn., moderator of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian church. "The corruption that eats away the foundation of democracy and which will bring about the crumbling work of the structure," the statement said, "is not only the work of the enemies without our walls, but also the work of those among us who betray their country in political corruption in buying and selling of political influence, and in the day-to-day common cheating." The church, it said, calls men to contribute "strict, unyielding integrity and devotion to the interests of the nation under God." [end clipping]
April Meeting 1951 The W.C.T.U. meet at the home of Mrs Stanley Trees, April 17, with the President Mrs Stanley presiding. Mrs McBlain had charge of the Devotionals. Scriptuer reading was Ecclesiastes 11:9-10 followed by short prayer from three members, Mrs Stanley Mrs Jones and Mrs McBlain. Secretarys repor read and approved. Treasurers report read and accepted. The program centered around youth. Mrs Allen gave a report on youth orgnization, child welfare established work and study She reported 18 White Ribbon recruits. Mrs Allen was complimented on the program. She and her [loyal?] LTL members presented to the public Mrs Stanley presented the lesson from the Study Book -- Alcoholism is a sickness. A Thank You card was read from Mr and Mrs L R [Terpster?] Mr & Mrs J E German Mr and Mrs C W German 10 members were present, collection 1.30 closed with the Benediction -Eva M Pepoon Secretary [clipping] Church Heads Assail 'Moral Flabbiness' (By Religious News Service.) ATLANTA, GA.--Heads of four Presbyterian churches publicy endorsed here a statement warning President Truman of "the lack of fundamental integrity, the moral flabbiness, that is manifesting itself in the life of our nation, from high government positions down to college athletics." Dr. James R. McCain, moderator of the Presbyterian church, U.S. (Southern), read the statement to almost 1,000 persons gathered at the Central Presbyterian church for special "Moderator's day" service. The statement, which Dr. McCain said expressed "what our churches feel at this time," had earlier been handed to the president in Washington. Endorsing the statement with Dr. McCain here were Dr. Harrison Ray Anderson, Chicago, moderator of the Presbyterian Church, U.S.A., W. Kyle George, Youngstown, Ohio, moderator of the United Presbyterian church, and Dr. Paul A. Stroup, Memphis, Tenn., moderator of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian church. "The corruption that eats away the foundation of democracy and which will bring about the crumbling work of the structure," the statement said, "is not only the work of the enemies without our walls, but also the work of those among us who betray their country in political corruption in buying and selling of political influence, and in the day-to-day common cheating." The church, it said, calls men to contribute "strict, unyielding integrity and devotion to the interests of the nation under God." [end clipping]
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries