Woman's Christian Temperance Union minutes, Grinnell, Iowa, 1913-1928
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October 21 Family nite at First Friends Church The SCTU meet at the First Friends Church for their annual family nite meeting Supper was served at 6:30. Followed by a short program. Rev Chan Whitley had charge of Devotions. Followed by group singing Two songs were rendered by L.T.L's. an interesting report from the State Convention which was held at Sioux City was given By Nellie Loncoln and Mrs. Rev Whitley Films were shown A note of thank was given to Rev and Mrs. Whitley for their assistance and the use of their Church Also a note of thanks to Mrs. GG Borem for acting as pianist in an emergency meeting close with prayer by Rev Donald Skyler Mrs. Fay Stanley Sec pro-tim(sic) Dec 16 WCTU meet at the home of Mrs. Faye Stanley with 6 members present. president Mrs. Stanley presiding meeting opened by singing Come all Ye Faitfull (sic) Mrs. Skiles had charge of Devotionals She choose Luck 2.1-14. The birth of our Savior Nellie Lincoln led in prayer Mrs. Allen had charge of the lesson Her topic A peaceful world. Instead of peace it's a peaceless and tense To ilustrate (sic) her topic she read from the Books of Jobe (sic) Jerimia (sic) and Romans. She also read a very interesting play on the Service individuals can preform(sic) in the Community in which they live for the promotion of WCTU work. Treasures(sic) report read an accepted It was voted to send oranges to the nursing homes to the elderly shut ins Meeting closed with the WCTU Benediction Eva M Pepoon Sect No minutes weere taken at the Nov and Dec meeting. Secretary being ill and not able to attend.
October 21 Family nite at First Friends Church The SCTU meet at the First Friends Church for their annual family nite meeting Supper was served at 6:30. Followed by a short program. Rev Chan Whitley had charge of Devotions. Followed by group singing Two songs were rendered by L.T.L's. an interesting report from the State Convention which was held at Sioux City was given By Nellie Loncoln and Mrs. Rev Whitley Films were shown A note of thank was given to Rev and Mrs. Whitley for their assistance and the use of their Church Also a note of thanks to Mrs. GG Borem for acting as pianist in an emergency meeting close with prayer by Rev Donald Skyler Mrs. Fay Stanley Sec pro-tim(sic) Dec 16 WCTU meet at the home of Mrs. Faye Stanley with 6 members present. president Mrs. Stanley presiding meeting opened by singing Come all Ye Faitfull (sic) Mrs. Skiles had charge of Devotionals She choose Luck 2.1-14. The birth of our Savior Nellie Lincoln led in prayer Mrs. Allen had charge of the lesson Her topic A peaceful world. Instead of peace it's a peaceless and tense To ilustrate (sic) her topic she read from the Books of Jobe (sic) Jerimia (sic) and Romans. She also read a very interesting play on the Service individuals can preform(sic) in the Community in which they live for the promotion of WCTU work. Treasures(sic) report read an accepted It was voted to send oranges to the nursing homes to the elderly shut ins Meeting closed with the WCTU Benediction Eva M Pepoon Sect No minutes weere taken at the Nov and Dec meeting. Secretary being ill and not able to attend.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries