Woman's Christian Temperance Union minutes, Grinnell, Iowa, 1913-1928
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It was moved and seconded and carried that the president name the chairman of the nominating committee and the chairman name two others to serve with her - Mrs. Ewing was named to report at next meeting. It was approved that our secretary order program guides for coming year. Rachel Mikel spoke of sending in our budget dollars to help in the expenses of the State W.C.T.U. It was decided we hold a silent auction at our next meeting - Mrs. Grepson?? and Lela Adams to have charge of auction. Mrs. Pepoon? gave a report of the area meeting that she recently attended in Des Moines. It was suggested that our secreatry send a card to Rev. Randell Casand, who is in the hospital - and has had surgery. Mrs. Ewing reported on the Louger? Bill- Mrs. Hagendock? gave the lesson. Using an article "Sweet smelling flowers". and one on "FAcing our nations greatest enemy" (illeg) Meeting closed with benedictions Rachel Mikel Pres Celia Whitely Sec. protem June, 24, 1958. The W.C.J.U met at the home of Mrs. George German - Mrs. Mikel in charge - after the salute to flags, devotions were conducted by Mrs. Rev. Whitely - scripture Matthew 20.-26-28 followed by sentence prayer. The business meeting followed, minutes of last meeting read and approved- report of coming chairman for new candidates for officers and for coming year. Election followed with Mrs. Pepoon and Mrs. Sevenberger? acting as tellers the following elected Pres. Lela Adams - Vice Pres. edithe Lynch and Mrs. Claude Thompson. Sec-Grace L. Foster, ___?? Lincoln, It was not decided "what book" would be read Program followed with Edythe Le? charge Topic "Bag of Beans" Mrs. Ewing read an article by Mrs. Clarence Eriebson? "Afterwards"-report of Langers? Bill by Mrs. Mikel - there were 18 members and one guest present. Adjournment followed by silent auction metting? W.C. will treasury? $18.35. P.S. Lalir? decided the W.C. ? have a float in the Dairy Parade - Grace L. Foster, Sec
It was moved and seconded and carried that the president name the chairman of the nominating committee and the chairman name two others to serve with her - Mrs. Ewing was named to report at next meeting. It was approved that our secretary order program guides for coming year. Rachel Mikel spoke of sending in our budget dollars to help in the expenses of the State W.C.T.U. It was decided we hold a silent auction at our next meeting - Mrs. Grepson?? and Lela Adams to have charge of auction. Mrs. Pepoon? gave a report of the area meeting that she recently attended in Des Moines. It was suggested that our secreatry send a card to Rev. Randell Casand, who is in the hospital - and has had surgery. Mrs. Ewing reported on the Louger? Bill- Mrs. Hagendock? gave the lesson. Using an article "Sweet smelling flowers". and one on "FAcing our nations greatest enemy" (illeg) Meeting closed with benedictions Rachel Mikel Pres Celia Whitely Sec. protem June, 24, 1958. The W.C.J.U met at the home of Mrs. George German - Mrs. Mikel in charge - after the salute to flags, devotions were conducted by Mrs. Rev. Whitely - scripture Matthew 20.-26-28 followed by sentence prayer. The business meeting followed, minutes of last meeting read and approved- report of coming chairman for new candidates for officers and for coming year. Election followed with Mrs. Pepoon and Mrs. Sevenberger? acting as tellers the following elected Pres. Lela Adams - Vice Pres. edithe Lynch and Mrs. Claude Thompson. Sec-Grace L. Foster, ___?? Lincoln, It was not decided "what book" would be read Program followed with Edythe Le? charge Topic "Bag of Beans" Mrs. Ewing read an article by Mrs. Clarence Eriebson? "Afterwards"-report of Langers? Bill by Mrs. Mikel - there were 18 members and one guest present. Adjournment followed by silent auction metting? W.C. will treasury? $18.35. P.S. Lalir? decided the W.C. ? have a float in the Dairy Parade - Grace L. Foster, Sec
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries