Woman's Christian Temperance Union minutes, Grinnell, Iowa, 1913-1928
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On Apr. 18, 1962, 14 members of the WCTU met at the home of Rev. & Mrs Epler. The meeting was called to order by the president, Eloise Kiester and the three pledges to flags we given. The Devotions were led by Lela Adams, first singing "Send the Truth"; scripture was read from Gen. 39:1-6 Tho'ts from the "Union S." were read and another scrip from John 20:1-20 and the story about the writing of the song "In the Garden", which we sang, after which the closing prayer was given by Mrs McBlain. The program was presented by Rachel Mikel using the "Washington Letter" by Mrs Glen Hays, telling of the need for many states to pass a law to allow the officers to take the necessary tests of a driver of a care thats been involved in an accident, if the person appears to have been drinking, Iowa needs such a law! Eloise reviewed Chap 4 in the Study Book "To-Days Deciever", based on the story about Daniel and his companions who refused to eat & drink the kings fare, thus proving a clean life is best. Scriptures from Dan 1 and Jer. 39 were used. Mrs McBlain read the "Ten Commandments of Russia" God was left out! No old business: the minutes were read & approved Treasurer reports $30.00, Several members ordered the "Young Crucader" to be sent to some child. Half of our Budget $1.5 have been sent in. The Pres. & Se'cty to write a letter of "thanks" to the United Gro. Store for keeping beer out of the store! Motion made & passed. (over)
On Apr. 18, 1962, 14 members of the WCTU met at the home of Rev. & Mrs Epler. The meeting was called to order by the president, Eloise Kiester and the three pledges to flags we given. The Devotions were led by Lela Adams, first singing "Send the Truth"; scripture was read from Gen. 39:1-6 Tho'ts from the "Union S." were read and another scrip from John 20:1-20 and the story about the writing of the song "In the Garden", which we sang, after which the closing prayer was given by Mrs McBlain. The program was presented by Rachel Mikel using the "Washington Letter" by Mrs Glen Hays, telling of the need for many states to pass a law to allow the officers to take the necessary tests of a driver of a care thats been involved in an accident, if the person appears to have been drinking, Iowa needs such a law! Eloise reviewed Chap 4 in the Study Book "To-Days Deciever", based on the story about Daniel and his companions who refused to eat & drink the kings fare, thus proving a clean life is best. Scriptures from Dan 1 and Jer. 39 were used. Mrs McBlain read the "Ten Commandments of Russia" God was left out! No old business: the minutes were read & approved Treasurer reports $30.00, Several members ordered the "Young Crucader" to be sent to some child. Half of our Budget $1.5 have been sent in. The Pres. & Se'cty to write a letter of "thanks" to the United Gro. Store for keeping beer out of the store! Motion made & passed. (over)
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries