Woman's Christian Temperance Union minutes, Grinnell, Iowa, 1913-1928
Page 384
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384 and John 15:16. She reminded us that temperance work is like sowing seed which reproduces and we reap as we sow. During the study period, Nellie Lincoln conducted a quiz on the catechism of W.C.T.U. concerning the beginning and progress of our state and national organization, this being the 90th anniversary. Eloise Keister read an interesting poem "Dimensions in Growth". She also gave examples of a Holdfast union, Steadfast union and a Net Gain union, and reviewed an article by our national corresponding secretary who presented a challenge for building our unions. A goal of one million members has been set for the centennial year of 1974. Miss Keister also reviewed a part of the study book - "Mind if I Smoke?" with the following thoughts - 1. Many smoke for pleasure in spite of the fact that they have heard reports of the consequences, but they hope to escape these, having decided to take the risk. 2 - Those who have quit smoking for a period of 10 years have recovered their condition to about equal with the non-smokers. 3. Other reasons why people smoke are - influence of friends, their social circle, example of others, not wanting to be different, advertising, not wanting to gain weight, and for something to do. 4. Smoking habit causes Buerger's disease. Mention was made of the use of morning glory seed as chewed by Grinnell College students. Also mentioned the use of peyote especially among Navajo Indians of Arizona and California in connection with religious ceremonies. Minutes of the Aug. meeting were read and approved. 20 calls as 7 cards reported. Nellie Lincoln gave the annual treasurer's report with a balance of $18.26 plus dues recently received. Her report was accepted as read. Plans for the State convention were discussed. Five dollars was allowed for the thank offering and $6.00 expense money allowed for Mrs. Allen to attend as a delegate. Meeting was dismissed with prayer by Mrs. Allen. Family night meeting of W.C.T.U. was held in the First Friends Church at 6:30 P.M. on Oct. 19. After a pot-luck supper, a brief program followed, Rachel Mikkel in charge. Rev. Craven, the host pastor, read scripture and gave an inspirational talk. Mrs. Ralph Allen gave a report of the recent State Convention which she had attended as a delegate. A filmstrip had been secured for this meeting but could not be shown due to difficulty with the projector to be used. The meeting closed with prayer by Ralph Allen.
384 and John 15:16. She reminded us that temperance work is like sowing seed which reproduces and we reap as we sow. During the study period, Nellie Lincoln conducted a quiz on the catechism of W.C.T.U. concerning the beginning and progress of our state and national organization, this being the 90th anniversary. Eloise Keister read an interesting poem "Dimensions in Growth". She also gave examples of a Holdfast union, Steadfast union and a Net Gain union, and reviewed an article by our national corresponding secretary who presented a challenge for building our unions. A goal of one million members has been set for the centennial year of 1974. Miss Keister also reviewed a part of the study book - "Mind if I Smoke?" with the following thoughts - 1. Many smoke for pleasure in spite of the fact that they have heard reports of the consequences, but they hope to escape these, having decided to take the risk. 2 - Those who have quit smoking for a period of 10 years have recovered their condition to about equal with the non-smokers. 3. Other reasons why people smoke are - influence of friends, their social circle, example of others, not wanting to be different, advertising, not wanting to gain weight, and for something to do. 4. Smoking habit causes Buerger's disease. Mention was made of the use of morning glory seed as chewed by Grinnell College students. Also mentioned the use of peyote especially among Navajo Indians of Arizona and California in connection with religious ceremonies. Minutes of the Aug. meeting were read and approved. 20 calls as 7 cards reported. Nellie Lincoln gave the annual treasurer's report with a balance of $18.26 plus dues recently received. Her report was accepted as read. Plans for the State convention were discussed. Five dollars was allowed for the thank offering and $6.00 expense money allowed for Mrs. Allen to attend as a delegate. Meeting was dismissed with prayer by Mrs. Allen. Family night meeting of W.C.T.U. was held in the First Friends Church at 6:30 P.M. on Oct. 19. After a pot-luck supper, a brief program followed, Rachel Mikkel in charge. Rev. Craven, the host pastor, read scripture and gave an inspirational talk. Mrs. Ralph Allen gave a report of the recent State Convention which she had attended as a delegate. A filmstrip had been secured for this meeting but could not be shown due to difficulty with the projector to be used. The meeting closed with prayer by Ralph Allen.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries