Woman's Christian Temperance Union minutes, Grinnell, Iowa, 1913-1928
Page 401
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401 W.C.T.U. met with Mildred Jones on Aug 15. After singing "Some Glad Day", pledges were recited. Minutes were read and approved. We were led in devotions by Nellie Lincoln using Psa. 19:7-11 and Psa. 110:11. Carol Sammons, reporting for Legislative Committee, reviewed bills which will be under consideration. Mildred Jones presented facts concerning the international drinking club plan. Carol Sammons, as program leader, dealt with the theme "United Review," concerning delinquency and cigarette smoking. There were 17 cards, 11 visits reported, also 1 state and 7 national legislative letters sent, and 8 other letters in the interest of temperance. At the conclusion of the meeting, the hostess served lunch. W.C.T.U. met on Sept. 19 at the home of Eva Pepoon, 14 members and 1 visitor present. After a song, minutes were read and approved. Devotions were led by Mrs. Myron Harris. Her theme was "Christian Behavior" with Rom. 12:1-21 read. Annual reports of treasurer was read and accepted. She reported $34.45 in the treasury. Carol Sammons reported concerning bills under consideration in the legislature. There were 60 cards and 18 visits reported. Mabel Morgan presented the program on the theme - "Individual Duty." She spoke of the need of trained leadership and the work of Frances Willard. Letters of reply from Burke Hickenlooper and Jack Miller were read, also a letter from Rachel Mikkel. Mrs. German was asked to attend State Convention as our delegate, and $15.00 was allowed for her expenses. Also allowed $10.00 to be taken for thank offering. Carol Sammons was asked to contact Mildred Jones to form and direct the department of education for our union. After pledges to the flags, we formed a circle and sang "God be with you" as our dismissal. W.C.T.U. met on Oct. 17 at First Friends Church, Lela Adams presiding. Malcom Union was invited as guests but could not attend. After songs and pledges, were were led in devotions by Rev. Leslie Warner. He spoke of "the way that seems right unto man" and that we should acknowledge the Lord in all our ways and trust Him. Minutes of the Sept. meeting were read and approved. Reported were 27 cards sent, 3 telephone calls and 25 visits, also two legislative letters. Carol Sammons reported on legislation. Discussion and comments followed concerning cigarettes on trays of those travelling. A play - "Wrapped with Our Love" was presented by Lela Adams, Mrs. Harris, Carol Sammons, Nellie Lincoln and Mrs. Allen. It was suggested that we make lay robes and bring ties for the Veteran's Hospital. We had sent 30 pairs of spectacles to "Eyes for the Needy." Mrs. German and Lela Adams
401 W.C.T.U. met with Mildred Jones on Aug 15. After singing "Some Glad Day", pledges were recited. Minutes were read and approved. We were led in devotions by Nellie Lincoln using Psa. 19:7-11 and Psa. 110:11. Carol Sammons, reporting for Legislative Committee, reviewed bills which will be under consideration. Mildred Jones presented facts concerning the international drinking club plan. Carol Sammons, as program leader, dealt with the theme "United Review," concerning delinquency and cigarette smoking. There were 17 cards, 11 visits reported, also 1 state and 7 national legislative letters sent, and 8 other letters in the interest of temperance. At the conclusion of the meeting, the hostess served lunch. W.C.T.U. met on Sept. 19 at the home of Eva Pepoon, 14 members and 1 visitor present. After a song, minutes were read and approved. Devotions were led by Mrs. Myron Harris. Her theme was "Christian Behavior" with Rom. 12:1-21 read. Annual reports of treasurer was read and accepted. She reported $34.45 in the treasury. Carol Sammons reported concerning bills under consideration in the legislature. There were 60 cards and 18 visits reported. Mabel Morgan presented the program on the theme - "Individual Duty." She spoke of the need of trained leadership and the work of Frances Willard. Letters of reply from Burke Hickenlooper and Jack Miller were read, also a letter from Rachel Mikkel. Mrs. German was asked to attend State Convention as our delegate, and $15.00 was allowed for her expenses. Also allowed $10.00 to be taken for thank offering. Carol Sammons was asked to contact Mildred Jones to form and direct the department of education for our union. After pledges to the flags, we formed a circle and sang "God be with you" as our dismissal. W.C.T.U. met on Oct. 17 at First Friends Church, Lela Adams presiding. Malcom Union was invited as guests but could not attend. After songs and pledges, were were led in devotions by Rev. Leslie Warner. He spoke of "the way that seems right unto man" and that we should acknowledge the Lord in all our ways and trust Him. Minutes of the Sept. meeting were read and approved. Reported were 27 cards sent, 3 telephone calls and 25 visits, also two legislative letters. Carol Sammons reported on legislation. Discussion and comments followed concerning cigarettes on trays of those travelling. A play - "Wrapped with Our Love" was presented by Lela Adams, Mrs. Harris, Carol Sammons, Nellie Lincoln and Mrs. Allen. It was suggested that we make lay robes and bring ties for the Veteran's Hospital. We had sent 30 pairs of spectacles to "Eyes for the Needy." Mrs. German and Lela Adams
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries