Woman's Christian Temperance Union minutes, Grinnell, Iowa, 1913-1928
Page 416
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416 Aug. meeting continued We discussed the "Thank offering" and decided to give final plans in Sept. Some 1970-1971 dues were paid. 65¢ from our today's collection will be given to finish paying for one lady's dues. My program was reading the Parliamentary Rules of Order" and giving a short report about "Aim High.' He who aims at nothing usually hits it. It is wiser to set a life goal and reach it. Our business in life is not to get ahead of others but get ahead of ourselves Moved and seconded that we adjourn our meeting. Mildred Jones our hostess served delicious refreshments Sec. Carol Sammons Sept. 15, 1970 Six people were present at the meeting which was opened by Nellie Lincoln. We met in the home of Mrs. Pepoon. Five people had on their W.C.T.U. pins. The three pledges to the flag were given. The minutes were read and approved There were no corrections or additions It was moved and seconded that we end a "Thank Offering" of $10.00 to the state W.C.T.U. in memory of Mrs. Sage. We discussed the state conv. in Fort Dodge. Lela Adams was made our official delegate. It was moved and seconded that we allow Lela $10.00 for her expenses - Motion carried I read them the information sent in to Mrs. Cummings about our legislation work. We had 22 calls to sick or "shut in" people, four 4 legislative letters and six cards were sent Mable Morgan reported that the Fairness Committee is trying to get many sermons off the air. In Mable Morgan's lesson she told us that There is work in every ones life that must be done. We are not to do as we please. There are 9 million problem drinkers. Half the auto accidents are caused by drinking. Bill called S3835 that Alcoholic serious has 49 pages to be discussed. Money spent for rehabilitation is down the drain. We had the offering and the Aaronic Benediction - Sec. Carol I. Sammon
416 Aug. meeting continued We discussed the "Thank offering" and decided to give final plans in Sept. Some 1970-1971 dues were paid. 65¢ from our today's collection will be given to finish paying for one lady's dues. My program was reading the Parliamentary Rules of Order" and giving a short report about "Aim High.' He who aims at nothing usually hits it. It is wiser to set a life goal and reach it. Our business in life is not to get ahead of others but get ahead of ourselves Moved and seconded that we adjourn our meeting. Mildred Jones our hostess served delicious refreshments Sec. Carol Sammons Sept. 15, 1970 Six people were present at the meeting which was opened by Nellie Lincoln. We met in the home of Mrs. Pepoon. Five people had on their W.C.T.U. pins. The three pledges to the flag were given. The minutes were read and approved There were no corrections or additions It was moved and seconded that we end a "Thank Offering" of $10.00 to the state W.C.T.U. in memory of Mrs. Sage. We discussed the state conv. in Fort Dodge. Lela Adams was made our official delegate. It was moved and seconded that we allow Lela $10.00 for her expenses - Motion carried I read them the information sent in to Mrs. Cummings about our legislation work. We had 22 calls to sick or "shut in" people, four 4 legislative letters and six cards were sent Mable Morgan reported that the Fairness Committee is trying to get many sermons off the air. In Mable Morgan's lesson she told us that There is work in every ones life that must be done. We are not to do as we please. There are 9 million problem drinkers. Half the auto accidents are caused by drinking. Bill called S3835 that Alcoholic serious has 49 pages to be discussed. Money spent for rehabilitation is down the drain. We had the offering and the Aaronic Benediction - Sec. Carol I. Sammon
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries