Woman's Christian Temperance Union minutes, Grinnell, Iowa, 1913-1928
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For new business we planned not to meet so often during 1973 through Aug. 1974, we will pay dues, be inactive and perhaps have four meetings a year. Motion made seconded and passed that we meet during Sept., Dec., May and Aug. Myrtle Bailey gave $1.00 for her 90 birthday. Some of us may go to the W.C.T.U. conv. in Des Moines the first three days of October. The meeting will be at the Highland Park Christian Church. Get reservations in for the banquet which will be in the evening of Oct 2, Registrations will be $1.50. We will give $5.00 "Thank Offering: in memory of Mrs. Sevenberger who passed away today. We voted to continue sending the two magazines to the City Library. They are: the "Young Crusader" and the Union Signal. We closed our meeting with Aaronie? Benediction Mrs. Jones our hostess served delicious refreshments Eloise Keister - Pres Carol I. Sammon - Sec Oct. 1973 Fedalia German and I attended the conv. on Oct. 2 at the Highland Park Christian Church in Des M. Fedalia represented our union and helped vote for the new officer. Mrs Betty Schippers was chosen president again. WM. Plymath? a state senator from Des M. gave a talk at the dinner. One statement that he made is: There are more alcoholics in San Fransisco than there are dope addicts in the whole U.S. After dinner we adjourned to the sanctuary. We had singing and prayer. Frank Clark who writes sayings for the "Country Parson" in the Des M. [illegible] gave a short message. He said many divorces and deaths are caused by anger." Young people are asking questions about our behavior.
For new business we planned not to meet so often during 1973 through Aug. 1974, we will pay dues, be inactive and perhaps have four meetings a year. Motion made seconded and passed that we meet during Sept., Dec., May and Aug. Myrtle Bailey gave $1.00 for her 90 birthday. Some of us may go to the W.C.T.U. conv. in Des Moines the first three days of October. The meeting will be at the Highland Park Christian Church. Get reservations in for the banquet which will be in the evening of Oct 2, Registrations will be $1.50. We will give $5.00 "Thank Offering: in memory of Mrs. Sevenberger who passed away today. We voted to continue sending the two magazines to the City Library. They are: the "Young Crusader" and the Union Signal. We closed our meeting with Aaronie? Benediction Mrs. Jones our hostess served delicious refreshments Eloise Keister - Pres Carol I. Sammon - Sec Oct. 1973 Fedalia German and I attended the conv. on Oct. 2 at the Highland Park Christian Church in Des M. Fedalia represented our union and helped vote for the new officer. Mrs Betty Schippers was chosen president again. WM. Plymath? a state senator from Des M. gave a talk at the dinner. One statement that he made is: There are more alcoholics in San Fransisco than there are dope addicts in the whole U.S. After dinner we adjourned to the sanctuary. We had singing and prayer. Frank Clark who writes sayings for the "Country Parson" in the Des M. [illegible] gave a short message. He said many divorces and deaths are caused by anger." Young people are asking questions about our behavior.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries