Woman's Christian Temperance Union minutes, Grinnell, Iowa, 1928-1976
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August 21 - 1917 W.C.T.U, Held its Annual meeting at the home of Mrs. Lincoln with 18 present. After singing Nearer My God to the Mrs. Lincoln read the 121st Psalms and Mrs. Sopher led in prayer, Mrs. Jessie Lord sang a beautiful Solo - "Coming Home" The minutes of the previous meeting were read by the sec. And approved by the Union - [Nom, Com?], reported the following Officers and Depts. Pres. Mrs. Chrislina Lincoln 1st Vice Pres. Mrs. Isabella Braud 2nd " " Mrs. Sopher 3rd " " Mrs. Lord Treas. Mrs. Clara Wratland Sec. Mrs. Chas. Woods Asist. Sec, Mrs. Effie Stocks Departments S, Schools Mrs. Stocks S .4. Miss Brick
August 21 - 1917 W.C.T.U, Held its Annual meeting at the home of Mrs. Lincoln with 18 present. After singing Nearer My God to the Mrs. Lincoln read the 121st Psalms and Mrs. Sopher led in prayer, Mrs. Jessie Lord sang a beautiful Solo - "Coming Home" The minutes of the previous meeting were read by the sec. And approved by the Union - [Nom, Com?], reported the following Officers and Depts. Pres. Mrs. Chrislina Lincoln 1st Vice Pres. Mrs. Isabella Braud 2nd " " Mrs. Sopher 3rd " " Mrs. Lord Treas. Mrs. Clara Wratland Sec. Mrs. Chas. Woods Asist. Sec, Mrs. Effie Stocks Departments S, Schools Mrs. Stocks S .4. Miss Brick
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries