Childs Family letters, 1857 and 1859
1859-11-29 Page 1
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[missing text] ...Ville Nov 29 1859 ...of the 21st is received some days [missing test] invited answering until now [missing text] you a draft of $150 to use for [missing text] you no doubt can make that do [missing text] & Pottes, as to Shirtless if you get this letter Send it to Paul Tenter and if not perhaps it is to Late now and Butter is Selling Slow in Phil'a and Sow I have Sold Some tubs at 25 cts but do not know how many I can sell at that, if Shirtless will Sell his butter or you have bought it Send it a long and I will Send a draft that the money can be ready as to pay for it. I should have returned home this week if it was not for my butter & cheese I shall see what I can do by selling it a few Days. I came here last evening and have some attending to do will leave here to morrow after noon if I can do so to be at Tenters & Bristol to See what I earned in Selling butter. You do not Say how long Wattson is intending to Stay. I should like to see him and his wife. Perhaps I will return before he leaves for I cannot now say how soon I may return but will do so as soon as I can get ready. Roberts & Coolidge was here and Left Last Thursday they sold only 3 cows here that was their first sales, no doubt when they get down they will Sell. Alvan will have a chance to blow before he gets through, it is very fine weather and has been about all the time since I have been here, you will write to Phil'a city care of B. & B. if I do not return next week I will send a draft to pay some that should be paid perhaps before this. Cheese is doing quite well yet. I am bound to make on my butter if I have to Sell it in the market this winter. B. & B. cannot sell now to save myself.
[missing text] ...Ville Nov 29 1859 ...of the 21st is received some days [missing test] invited answering until now [missing text] you a draft of $150 to use for [missing text] you no doubt can make that do [missing text] & Pottes, as to Shirtless if you get this letter Send it to Paul Tenter and if not perhaps it is to Late now and Butter is Selling Slow in Phil'a and Sow I have Sold Some tubs at 25 cts but do not know how many I can sell at that, if Shirtless will Sell his butter or you have bought it Send it a long and I will Send a draft that the money can be ready as to pay for it. I should have returned home this week if it was not for my butter & cheese I shall see what I can do by selling it a few Days. I came here last evening and have some attending to do will leave here to morrow after noon if I can do so to be at Tenters & Bristol to See what I earned in Selling butter. You do not Say how long Wattson is intending to Stay. I should like to see him and his wife. Perhaps I will return before he leaves for I cannot now say how soon I may return but will do so as soon as I can get ready. Roberts & Coolidge was here and Left Last Thursday they sold only 3 cows here that was their first sales, no doubt when they get down they will Sell. Alvan will have a chance to blow before he gets through, it is very fine weather and has been about all the time since I have been here, you will write to Phil'a city care of B. & B. if I do not return next week I will send a draft to pay some that should be paid perhaps before this. Cheese is doing quite well yet. I am bound to make on my butter if I have to Sell it in the market this winter. B. & B. cannot sell now to save myself.
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