Childs Family letters, 1857 and 1859
1859-12-02 Page 1
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Philadelphia City Dec 2d 1859 To Henry Child Sir Yours of 23d was rec'd to day as I have been out in Bucks county collecting and have got nearly through but have some notes payable at Bank which I am in hopes of getting discounted. I have rec'd no Invoice of the cheese Shiped at Evans Mills if you have not Sent them you will do so. I think I wrote you to Ship all the Butter to Wm. B. Paul Trenton and the Cheese here. This is 4 tubs Butter from P. Mils and your cheese rec'd here yesterday by R.R. which will make more Freight. It should have been marked Commercial Line as I marke all my Freight that way and John Allis must have understood it so, if all of the butter you have shiped is sent in same way and directed here It will make several dollars difference in Freight - and I have to ship it from here to Trenton that will make an extra charge, I have no Bill of the 4 tubs of P. Mils - I do not want any more butter I have enough unless this weather changes for it is very warm and fine weather, but all my fall butter I will make or I do not know just what to do as to sending drafts. as I have sent you a draft of $150 for Carter & Potter. I will write to them and send them the drafts you mention so if you have not sent them the $150 draft you will keep it and not use it. I will see if I do not come home by the middle of next week or so as to reach home during the week I will send curtis a draft.
Philadelphia City Dec 2d 1859 To Henry Child Sir Yours of 23d was rec'd to day as I have been out in Bucks county collecting and have got nearly through but have some notes payable at Bank which I am in hopes of getting discounted. I have rec'd no Invoice of the cheese Shiped at Evans Mills if you have not Sent them you will do so. I think I wrote you to Ship all the Butter to Wm. B. Paul Trenton and the Cheese here. This is 4 tubs Butter from P. Mils and your cheese rec'd here yesterday by R.R. which will make more Freight. It should have been marked Commercial Line as I marke all my Freight that way and John Allis must have understood it so, if all of the butter you have shiped is sent in same way and directed here It will make several dollars difference in Freight - and I have to ship it from here to Trenton that will make an extra charge, I have no Bill of the 4 tubs of P. Mils - I do not want any more butter I have enough unless this weather changes for it is very warm and fine weather, but all my fall butter I will make or I do not know just what to do as to sending drafts. as I have sent you a draft of $150 for Carter & Potter. I will write to them and send them the drafts you mention so if you have not sent them the $150 draft you will keep it and not use it. I will see if I do not come home by the middle of next week or so as to reach home during the week I will send curtis a draft.
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