Childs Family letters, 1871-1874
1871-05-25 Page 2
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the river Some 40 rods weast of the grist mill the walls will the some 60 feete high the South Wall is Done except the two Side Walls 25 feete higher yet to builde the roade is bout all gradede through this place the man has Stone to build all other places of us to Coulverts and Cattle passes and gardes I think He will want some 2000 perch I get 10 cents per perch A perch is about 16 1/2 feete long And 1 foote Square I have Soulde About 100 Dollars of timeber And Lumber for the raile roade thare is to be A high tresel Mark on bothe sides of the river Nayler is Oute here this Spring he is A going home this Week his Wife is Oute to and [?] Childern the citie a raile roade has ben Serveyed through Our farm About 4 rods South of the Oulde barn that is All that has ben Done yet pleas write Some from OA Childs
the river Some 40 rods weast of the grist mill the walls will the some 60 feete high the South Wall is Done except the two Side Walls 25 feete higher yet to builde the roade is bout all gradede through this place the man has Stone to build all other places of us to Coulverts and Cattle passes and gardes I think He will want some 2000 perch I get 10 cents per perch A perch is about 16 1/2 feete long And 1 foote Square I have Soulde About 100 Dollars of timeber And Lumber for the raile roade thare is to be A high tresel Mark on bothe sides of the river Nayler is Oute here this Spring he is A going home this Week his Wife is Oute to and [?] Childern the citie a raile roade has ben Serveyed through Our farm About 4 rods South of the Oulde barn that is All that has ben Done yet pleas write Some from OA Childs
Pioneer Lives