Childs Family letters, 1880-1889
1881-11-11 Page 1
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Low Moor Iowa Nov 11th 1881 Dear Stella We received your letter last evening. Was glad to hear from you. In regard to that money you sent for. I will send it as soon as I can, if I can get a post office order at Low Moor I will send it tomorrow or monday, if I do not succeede in getting the order at Low Moor you will have to wait until I go to Clinton, which will be the last of next week if the road will permit.We are haveing a very bad storm today with snow and rain. We are not done picking corn would finished this week if it had not stormed. We will not do any thing more this week. We have but 2 corn pickers this year they are John and Ben Heller. Ma says you ought go to see Nellie [Heilman?] often. You wanted to know if Uncle [Lewis?] was drunk when he was robbed. we suppose he was for he had been on a spree for several days . Ma says you had better wait until you come home, then go and see Birdie yourself about your hood and mittens, You can wait until you come home to buy your feather, if they have none to suit you, you can send and get one. Ma has not been to Clinton but once sinse you have been gone, over
Low Moor Iowa Nov 11th 1881 Dear Stella We received your letter last evening. Was glad to hear from you. In regard to that money you sent for. I will send it as soon as I can, if I can get a post office order at Low Moor I will send it tomorrow or monday, if I do not succeede in getting the order at Low Moor you will have to wait until I go to Clinton, which will be the last of next week if the road will permit.We are haveing a very bad storm today with snow and rain. We are not done picking corn would finished this week if it had not stormed. We will not do any thing more this week. We have but 2 corn pickers this year they are John and Ben Heller. Ma says you ought go to see Nellie [Heilman?] often. You wanted to know if Uncle [Lewis?] was drunk when he was robbed. we suppose he was for he had been on a spree for several days . Ma says you had better wait until you come home, then go and see Birdie yourself about your hood and mittens, You can wait until you come home to buy your feather, if they have none to suit you, you can send and get one. Ma has not been to Clinton but once sinse you have been gone, over
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