Childs Family letters, 1880-1889
1889-04-28 Page 1
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Cornell College Mt. Vernon, Iowa April 28, 1889 Dear Folks at home. Perhaps we will write so often you will get tired hearing from us. You must not send Will any more money he went right down town and was shaved before that he shaved himself. It is to killing to see Ada boss him around she makes him study his Sunday school lesson and takes him to Sunday school with her and bosses him in general. Sue and I have been to two prayer meetings and to church once. And called on Mr Keechicks people. They all scolded because we hadn't been there before they had heard I was in school but Effie said she couldn't find out where we roomed. Sue says tell you she burned her finger to-day she had quite a serious time with scraped potato and just (illegible)
Cornell College Mt. Vernon, Iowa April 28, 1889 Dear Folks at home. Perhaps we will write so often you will get tired hearing from us. You must not send Will any more money he went right down town and was shaved before that he shaved himself. It is to killing to see Ada boss him around she makes him study his Sunday school lesson and takes him to Sunday school with her and bosses him in general. Sue and I have been to two prayer meetings and to church once. And called on Mr Keechicks people. They all scolded because we hadn't been there before they had heard I was in school but Effie said she couldn't find out where we roomed. Sue says tell you she burned her finger to-day she had quite a serious time with scraped potato and just (illegible)
Pioneer Lives