Childs Family letters, 1865, 1870, 1871 and undated
1865-04-15 Page 1
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[illegible top line] My dear children I take this opportunity to inform you that we received your letters some time ago and was verry glad to hear from you but was sorry to hear that [Aimena's?] health was so poor I think that she will have to quit work or she never will get well if Henry could hire out his place. I think it would be best for it is almost imposible to get a girl that will doo as one wants them to that woman that you had when you come home I think was awful lazy or she would not [illegible] six and eight weeks without washing the weather here is cold and wet the grass is quite green Oliver saved ten bushels of oats some time ago he thinks they will all rot in the ground the weather is so cold we make butter yet and shall have too untill the [fridge?] is done they think that it will bee ready to [illegible] by the first of may they commensed makeing cheeselast week father is some better of his brakeing on
[illegible top line] My dear children I take this opportunity to inform you that we received your letters some time ago and was verry glad to hear from you but was sorry to hear that [Aimena's?] health was so poor I think that she will have to quit work or she never will get well if Henry could hire out his place. I think it would be best for it is almost imposible to get a girl that will doo as one wants them to that woman that you had when you come home I think was awful lazy or she would not [illegible] six and eight weeks without washing the weather here is cold and wet the grass is quite green Oliver saved ten bushels of oats some time ago he thinks they will all rot in the ground the weather is so cold we make butter yet and shall have too untill the [fridge?] is done they think that it will bee ready to [illegible] by the first of may they commensed makeing cheeselast week father is some better of his brakeing on
Pioneer Lives