Childs Family letters, 1865, 1870, 1871 and undated
1865-04-15 Page 4
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in sterlingville had both Arms shot off buy the bursting of a cannon one night last week what will become of our destructed country now the leader is gone folks generally thinks that this war is nearly over now they are agoing to Mexico to fight with France and Engleand and I expect that we shall all be killd before you see us again plase wright soon and tell how Climena is I have been troubled About her ever since you left here I think that the journy was to hard for her most evry one spok About her looking so pale and deathly Hams wife is not as well this spring As she was last winter she has to keep a girl to doo her work john Alice is A comeing to iowa in a few weeks he thinks that he shall call and see you charly gould is wounded and is in the hospittle francis Ackerman is dead he was shot through the hart [illegible] Cooper has one leg broke John Chiles was all right the last they heard joseph thinks hard of his bothers that they dont wright to him george and duty came here the other day A foot I bid fare well my love all and a little more to Stella than the rest this fom your unworthy mother [Mary] H Childs
in sterlingville had both Arms shot off buy the bursting of a cannon one night last week what will become of our destructed country now the leader is gone folks generally thinks that this war is nearly over now they are agoing to Mexico to fight with France and Engleand and I expect that we shall all be killd before you see us again plase wright soon and tell how Climena is I have been troubled About her ever since you left here I think that the journy was to hard for her most evry one spok About her looking so pale and deathly Hams wife is not as well this spring As she was last winter she has to keep a girl to doo her work john Alice is A comeing to iowa in a few weeks he thinks that he shall call and see you charly gould is wounded and is in the hospittle francis Ackerman is dead he was shot through the hart [illegible] Cooper has one leg broke John Chiles was all right the last they heard joseph thinks hard of his bothers that they dont wright to him george and duty came here the other day A foot I bid fare well my love all and a little more to Stella than the rest this fom your unworthy mother [Mary] H Childs
Pioneer Lives