Eno family letters, November 1813-September 1827
1824-09 Page 1
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Syracuse Sept. 1824 Dear Father When I set out from home I expected to have taken the Steam Boat that afternoon for Albany, but I had to wait until Teusday morning. I arrived in Albany about 11 oclock I staid with Walter Reynold that evening at Jones' Boarding house. I remained in Albany until Thursday morning when I took the stage for Schenectady. I for the sake of economy I got on board of a freight boat, but not liking the slow progress we made, nor the captains company or accommodations, as soon as the packet boat overtook us I got on board and arrived in Utica about nine o'clock Friday evening, from there I took the packet for Orville I got there at 11 oclock in the morning. I went to Osgood's house and by good luck found him at home, in company with Miller & Cooper who came to settle with him for the Britton lot, & what was very unexpected to me, they had paid to Osgood the amount of the debt except $25.23 for which sum they gave their note payable in ninety days so that the sum I received was $118.80 of this sum Osgood paid almost $40 money which he had received some time previous and which he had not sent; of this however nearly $20 was labor done by Britton for him some time ago, from the loose manner in which he transacts his business it was a a good while before he could account for it but before I left him it all came to his reccol-
Syracuse Sept. 1824 Dear Father When I set out from home I expected to have taken the Steam Boat that afternoon for Albany, but I had to wait until Teusday morning. I arrived in Albany about 11 oclock I staid with Walter Reynold that evening at Jones' Boarding house. I remained in Albany until Thursday morning when I took the stage for Schenectady. I for the sake of economy I got on board of a freight boat, but not liking the slow progress we made, nor the captains company or accommodations, as soon as the packet boat overtook us I got on board and arrived in Utica about nine o'clock Friday evening, from there I took the packet for Orville I got there at 11 oclock in the morning. I went to Osgood's house and by good luck found him at home, in company with Miller & Cooper who came to settle with him for the Britton lot, & what was very unexpected to me, they had paid to Osgood the amount of the debt except $25.23 for which sum they gave their note payable in ninety days so that the sum I received was $118.80 of this sum Osgood paid almost $40 money which he had received some time previous and which he had not sent; of this however nearly $20 was labor done by Britton for him some time ago, from the loose manner in which he transacts his business it was a a good while before he could account for it but before I left him it all came to his reccol-
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