Eno family letters, November 1813-September 1827
1826-12-28 Page 1
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Penn Yan December 28, 1826 Dear Father I scarcely know how to apologize for being so negligent in writing. I had intended to have wrote by Steven, but Merrit detained me so long that before I had half finished the Stage called. I hope that this will be received before he leave the Plains, & in future I will be a more punctual correspondent. I received your letter dated November 19th only a few days ago enclosing ten dollars, I have received so many expressions of your kindness & generosity, that a further addition was almost painful, so long as I enjoy my present state of health I have no fears, as I have every prospect of doing well & receiving an addition to my business - Merrit I perceive left his business at rather loose ends, He wants you to see Hiram Hamblin to recover of him part of the money he paid him to bring him to this Country, he paid him $30, & Hamblin went no farther than Albany. Merrit is willing to allow $10 for his services, a Mr Pelton of Neelys corner is Merrits principal & I believe only witness. he does not want Dr Hurd paid any thing, he wishes Cornelius Turner the Clothier should be sued for spoiling wool, Doc Wilber Nathan Conklin & his wife, & Asa Knapp are are the witnesses. Merrit says Myers has paid him to recover the sum of one hundred dollars of him on the note which Merrit & Myers gave you, I recollect the circumstance very well of their getting the money, it was in the evening & I am as confident as I can be of any transac-tion that took place so long ago that Myers himself took, part of the money but how much I cannot say for certainty. You asked him what he was agoing to do with the money, & he said he supposed Dr. Reynolds must have part of it, I recollect of your standing at the desk when you counted the money, & that
Penn Yan December 28, 1826 Dear Father I scarcely know how to apologize for being so negligent in writing. I had intended to have wrote by Steven, but Merrit detained me so long that before I had half finished the Stage called. I hope that this will be received before he leave the Plains, & in future I will be a more punctual correspondent. I received your letter dated November 19th only a few days ago enclosing ten dollars, I have received so many expressions of your kindness & generosity, that a further addition was almost painful, so long as I enjoy my present state of health I have no fears, as I have every prospect of doing well & receiving an addition to my business - Merrit I perceive left his business at rather loose ends, He wants you to see Hiram Hamblin to recover of him part of the money he paid him to bring him to this Country, he paid him $30, & Hamblin went no farther than Albany. Merrit is willing to allow $10 for his services, a Mr Pelton of Neelys corner is Merrits principal & I believe only witness. he does not want Dr Hurd paid any thing, he wishes Cornelius Turner the Clothier should be sued for spoiling wool, Doc Wilber Nathan Conklin & his wife, & Asa Knapp are are the witnesses. Merrit says Myers has paid him to recover the sum of one hundred dollars of him on the note which Merrit & Myers gave you, I recollect the circumstance very well of their getting the money, it was in the evening & I am as confident as I can be of any transac-tion that took place so long ago that Myers himself took, part of the money but how much I cannot say for certainty. You asked him what he was agoing to do with the money, & he said he supposed Dr. Reynolds must have part of it, I recollect of your standing at the desk when you counted the money, & that
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