Eno family letters, November 1813-September 1827
1826-12-28 Page 2
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Tupper came in whilst they were there and appeared to have drank a little too much. Merrit also had be drinking, the more I think of this the more certain I am respecting it. Tupper I should think would recollect more particularly than I do. Merrit wishes to know at what time the trial will come on, & says he will bear my expences there & back again, if I will go as a witness, & I should be glad of the opportunity, he has purchased a farm lying about three miles from the village on the west side of the Crooked Lake of one hundred & five acres & two thirds of about thirty bushel sowing of wheat on the ground for eleven hundred & twenty five dollars he pays $150 down $750 on the first of next June & the reminder in two years & has made a most excellent bargain if he can meet the payments A large building at the head of the street called Mechanics Hall was burnt to the ground about three weeks since, I hurt my leg at the fire and afterwards caught cold, it kept me to the house a few days but is now nearly well - Stevens & his wife are pleasantly situated & are now a keeping house. Harris & Stevens mercantile business flourishes they have sixty four head of cattle in the stalls, part of which Harris expects to drive to New York sometime in February. I have been reading some Chaucery books, in order to qualify myself to be admitted as a Solicitor I think I shall the first opportunity. I had a good chance of reading before Judge Olivier went to Albany as I got him to question me several times - our next court of Common Pleas will be without the first Judge and a miserable one it will be - since William was here I have obtained the benefit of the Insolvent out for live persons, I have had three cases of entering
Tupper came in whilst they were there and appeared to have drank a little too much. Merrit also had be drinking, the more I think of this the more certain I am respecting it. Tupper I should think would recollect more particularly than I do. Merrit wishes to know at what time the trial will come on, & says he will bear my expences there & back again, if I will go as a witness, & I should be glad of the opportunity, he has purchased a farm lying about three miles from the village on the west side of the Crooked Lake of one hundred & five acres & two thirds of about thirty bushel sowing of wheat on the ground for eleven hundred & twenty five dollars he pays $150 down $750 on the first of next June & the reminder in two years & has made a most excellent bargain if he can meet the payments A large building at the head of the street called Mechanics Hall was burnt to the ground about three weeks since, I hurt my leg at the fire and afterwards caught cold, it kept me to the house a few days but is now nearly well - Stevens & his wife are pleasantly situated & are now a keeping house. Harris & Stevens mercantile business flourishes they have sixty four head of cattle in the stalls, part of which Harris expects to drive to New York sometime in February. I have been reading some Chaucery books, in order to qualify myself to be admitted as a Solicitor I think I shall the first opportunity. I had a good chance of reading before Judge Olivier went to Albany as I got him to question me several times - our next court of Common Pleas will be without the first Judge and a miserable one it will be - since William was here I have obtained the benefit of the Insolvent out for live persons, I have had three cases of entering
Pioneer Lives