Eno family letters, October 1832-October 1834
1834-04-23 Page 1
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Penn Yan April 23rd 1834 My dear Father- Yours was received a few days since and gave me great pleasure to hear that you were well - I had fears from what Husted told me that you would be seriously ill. I enjoy my usual good health & find as all must eventually find that strict temperance is the surest guarantee of health - more than three years have passed since I entered into a solemn covenant with myself that nothing should ever induce me to partake of any thing of a stimulating nature, and during that time I have never had the slightest desire or inclination to break my resolution - this to me shows the powerful influence of the mind upon the body, eradicating and destroying at once is almost inveterate habits - I have concluded that I cannot come home this spring, but have come to that conclusion with a great deal of reluctance - I was fully determined to spend three or four weeks at home this spring but must defer it until fall - my business is such that I could not without a serious injury not only to myself but others leave at present - I have a great many accounts & notes which I have undertaken to collect & it demands my personal attention to it - you ask respecting my Widow suit - it was submitted upon written argument - I have not heard from it but expect to next month - In my next I will send you my argument - I have another case on hand in which I feel a self Interest - because I have as Genl Jackson says "taken upon myself the responsibility" - On the 16th of Jany last Archd I McIntyre contracted with one Wm Mariner to sell to him the farm of land on which he then lived & to give to him a good warrantee deed and possession
Penn Yan April 23rd 1834 My dear Father- Yours was received a few days since and gave me great pleasure to hear that you were well - I had fears from what Husted told me that you would be seriously ill. I enjoy my usual good health & find as all must eventually find that strict temperance is the surest guarantee of health - more than three years have passed since I entered into a solemn covenant with myself that nothing should ever induce me to partake of any thing of a stimulating nature, and during that time I have never had the slightest desire or inclination to break my resolution - this to me shows the powerful influence of the mind upon the body, eradicating and destroying at once is almost inveterate habits - I have concluded that I cannot come home this spring, but have come to that conclusion with a great deal of reluctance - I was fully determined to spend three or four weeks at home this spring but must defer it until fall - my business is such that I could not without a serious injury not only to myself but others leave at present - I have a great many accounts & notes which I have undertaken to collect & it demands my personal attention to it - you ask respecting my Widow suit - it was submitted upon written argument - I have not heard from it but expect to next month - In my next I will send you my argument - I have another case on hand in which I feel a self Interest - because I have as Genl Jackson says "taken upon myself the responsibility" - On the 16th of Jany last Archd I McIntyre contracted with one Wm Mariner to sell to him the farm of land on which he then lived & to give to him a good warrantee deed and possession
Pioneer Lives