Eno family letters, October 1832-October 1834
1834-10-01 Page 1
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Penn Yan Oct 7. 1834 Dear Father When Mr Norris from the Plains was here a short time since I wrote you & to Rufus and at that time I thought I should come home some time this month, but circumstances are such as will probably keep me here until next month. Our bout of Common Pleas are now setting and there is business enough before them to keep them almost two weeks as they manage it. I do not believe the State is troubled with a much more miserable concern than our present bout of Com Pleas. There is twenty eight causes on the Calendar most of them certiorari causes. My business is as much as I could expect considering the number of lawyers I have five causes which is at least my share - this place is now as well as most places in the Country overrun with lawyers & some to make an honest living will have to do something else - I have several causes in the Sup Court and did in tend to pass a short time in Albany for the purpose of seeing my Counsel & would if I had some more confidence in myself argue them, but that I shall not undertake as yet & should have been glad to have passed the pleasant part of the fall at home if I could, as when I come I intend to stay a little longer then I did last year - I wrote to Rufus urging him in strong terms to do some thing for himself and to take in the district
Penn Yan Oct 7. 1834 Dear Father When Mr Norris from the Plains was here a short time since I wrote you & to Rufus and at that time I thought I should come home some time this month, but circumstances are such as will probably keep me here until next month. Our bout of Common Pleas are now setting and there is business enough before them to keep them almost two weeks as they manage it. I do not believe the State is troubled with a much more miserable concern than our present bout of Com Pleas. There is twenty eight causes on the Calendar most of them certiorari causes. My business is as much as I could expect considering the number of lawyers I have five causes which is at least my share - this place is now as well as most places in the Country overrun with lawyers & some to make an honest living will have to do something else - I have several causes in the Sup Court and did in tend to pass a short time in Albany for the purpose of seeing my Counsel & would if I had some more confidence in myself argue them, but that I shall not undertake as yet & should have been glad to have passed the pleasant part of the fall at home if I could, as when I come I intend to stay a little longer then I did last year - I wrote to Rufus urging him in strong terms to do some thing for himself and to take in the district
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