Eno family letters, October 1843-February 1858
1843-10-25 Page 2
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that I should be much better off by going this fall or waiting until spring, I was in New York some four or six week since and believe that I can make arrangements there to obtain professional business at the west that would be advantageous to me but it was extremely hot weather & several persons I wished to see were about from the city. I have written to Fort Madison that perhaps I should not return this fall and am not aware that any Interests I have there would materially suffer by my staying, should I conclude to remain I am extremely anxious to employ my time in brushing up my legal studies, my long sickness has as a matter of course made me rather rusty & it wants a few months of application to rub it off - I am more deficient in a knowledge of pleading than in any thing else & at Iowa I have not the requisite books I much want to purchase a few, and I have thought that in the spring I might do so and during the winter if I had a chance to work some time to study it would in the end be advantageous to me - I have received several letters from Iowa giving some flattering prospects that my town property will ere long prove to be very valuable - The emigration has been very great this season - My health has been good and I am now more robust than I have been for several years. I should like to hear from you & how you enjoy your health this fall. Elizabeth sends her love to you remember me to Rufus Ron William & his family -
that I should be much better off by going this fall or waiting until spring, I was in New York some four or six week since and believe that I can make arrangements there to obtain professional business at the west that would be advantageous to me but it was extremely hot weather & several persons I wished to see were about from the city. I have written to Fort Madison that perhaps I should not return this fall and am not aware that any Interests I have there would materially suffer by my staying, should I conclude to remain I am extremely anxious to employ my time in brushing up my legal studies, my long sickness has as a matter of course made me rather rusty & it wants a few months of application to rub it off - I am more deficient in a knowledge of pleading than in any thing else & at Iowa I have not the requisite books I much want to purchase a few, and I have thought that in the spring I might do so and during the winter if I had a chance to work some time to study it would in the end be advantageous to me - I have received several letters from Iowa giving some flattering prospects that my town property will ere long prove to be very valuable - The emigration has been very great this season - My health has been good and I am now more robust than I have been for several years. I should like to hear from you & how you enjoy your health this fall. Elizabeth sends her love to you remember me to Rufus Ron William & his family -
Pioneer Lives