Eno family letters, October 1843-February 1858
1846-11-22 Page 3
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weighing 175 which was my weight at the East I have for a long time weighed but 150. I am more active & not less robust. Elizabeth does not enjoy good health &I fear never will. It is a great affliction to her & to me, but must be borne with patience. We were much disappointed in not receiving a visit from Stewart we looked for him from the 1st of May to the middle of September, I had calculated to show him this country to have him see what has been done here by the white man the last ten years I also meant to have him see enough of Indians & to have placed him within a rifle shot of Buffalo & Elk which can be done in four or five days travel. I hope he will come next spring, but more than all I want to see you and Eliza here, leave for a short time the East & compare it with the West, you may perhaps like home better for the comparison, come the Northern route in June & return by the Southern. You may be poorer in pocket but you cannot help being richer in information, do come you are rich enough to pay us the visit & I am too poor to ever see the East again I fear. New York I see has wheeled into the Whig ranks, how do you stand affected? I have become almost indifferent about politics. I could have received a nomination to Congress this fall but I knew I should not be elected and I also knew it would cost more dimes than I have or could muster to stand the canvass - So I gave it the go by and am glad of it, Who will be United States Senator from the New State is now the absorbing question, There are about one hundred and fifty men in the New State who think themselves entitled to the station and eminently qualified
weighing 175 which was my weight at the East I have for a long time weighed but 150. I am more active & not less robust. Elizabeth does not enjoy good health &I fear never will. It is a great affliction to her & to me, but must be borne with patience. We were much disappointed in not receiving a visit from Stewart we looked for him from the 1st of May to the middle of September, I had calculated to show him this country to have him see what has been done here by the white man the last ten years I also meant to have him see enough of Indians & to have placed him within a rifle shot of Buffalo & Elk which can be done in four or five days travel. I hope he will come next spring, but more than all I want to see you and Eliza here, leave for a short time the East & compare it with the West, you may perhaps like home better for the comparison, come the Northern route in June & return by the Southern. You may be poorer in pocket but you cannot help being richer in information, do come you are rich enough to pay us the visit & I am too poor to ever see the East again I fear. New York I see has wheeled into the Whig ranks, how do you stand affected? I have become almost indifferent about politics. I could have received a nomination to Congress this fall but I knew I should not be elected and I also knew it would cost more dimes than I have or could muster to stand the canvass - So I gave it the go by and am glad of it, Who will be United States Senator from the New State is now the absorbing question, There are about one hundred and fifty men in the New State who think themselves entitled to the station and eminently qualified
Pioneer Lives