Eno family letters, October 1843-February 1858
1848-12-28 Page 5
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I am poor, and have not much prospect ahead - this is a reason for going not for staying - I have not passed this far through life without listening to the warning voice of experience. I have had some severe lessons & trust I shall profit by them - I have lived twelve years in a frontier country & am therefore better calculated to go to a new Country then if I had always been the Inhabitant of an old State - I have health & a sound mind - I am as youthful in feeling as when I was thirty - I am hardy & capable of enduring more fatigue than most of young men - If it was not for Elizabeth I should go the overland route for I think nothing of riding fifty miles a day on horseback - As it is I must go by sea and this will cost a great deal - When I arrive there I shall be governed by circumstances, I can do any thing any one else can - I can practice my profession or I can work & think it no great hardship - I shall endeavor to deserve success and shall not [illegible] if I do not obtain it - I go with no high wrought expectations, & therefore shall not be very much depressed if I come back no richer than when I went - I do not suppose that any of the above arguments I have used will make you think my determination any other than wild & chimerical - I know it will find no favor in the eyes of my father, I regret this but cannot help it
I am poor, and have not much prospect ahead - this is a reason for going not for staying - I have not passed this far through life without listening to the warning voice of experience. I have had some severe lessons & trust I shall profit by them - I have lived twelve years in a frontier country & am therefore better calculated to go to a new Country then if I had always been the Inhabitant of an old State - I have health & a sound mind - I am as youthful in feeling as when I was thirty - I am hardy & capable of enduring more fatigue than most of young men - If it was not for Elizabeth I should go the overland route for I think nothing of riding fifty miles a day on horseback - As it is I must go by sea and this will cost a great deal - When I arrive there I shall be governed by circumstances, I can do any thing any one else can - I can practice my profession or I can work & think it no great hardship - I shall endeavor to deserve success and shall not [illegible] if I do not obtain it - I go with no high wrought expectations, & therefore shall not be very much depressed if I come back no richer than when I went - I do not suppose that any of the above arguments I have used will make you think my determination any other than wild & chimerical - I know it will find no favor in the eyes of my father, I regret this but cannot help it
Pioneer Lives