Childs family letters, 1860-1865
1860-04-05 Page 1
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This is for Henry Child Philadelphia April 5 1860 Dear Brother I received your leter last knight and was glad to here from you and Thomas and that you bothe well Henry you rote that a sowing wheat Iff you was a farming here now it would not be a sowing wheat it would be buying hay and Meal For that is what the farmers is a doing here now but you are in a fare off land in a warmer climat Henry you rote that you would like to have a cheese press from H Cooper watertown and to take it out of Thomas note that note is not due untill the first of February My note was dated back So as note to buy a stamp but I will send you the cheese press and hoop iff You want them sent Henry, Thomas said that you had 17 cowes you said 16 tell us what papers you take and how meny and the names of them
This is for Henry Child Philadelphia April 5 1860 Dear Brother I received your leter last knight and was glad to here from you and Thomas and that you bothe well Henry you rote that a sowing wheat Iff you was a farming here now it would not be a sowing wheat it would be buying hay and Meal For that is what the farmers is a doing here now but you are in a fare off land in a warmer climat Henry you rote that you would like to have a cheese press from H Cooper watertown and to take it out of Thomas note that note is not due untill the first of February My note was dated back So as note to buy a stamp but I will send you the cheese press and hoop iff You want them sent Henry, Thomas said that you had 17 cowes you said 16 tell us what papers you take and how meny and the names of them
Pioneer Lives