Childs family letters, 1860-1865
1861-03-24 Page 3
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now Henry I have left with A Cambell to get 3 class tickets for my folks, But you must not take 3 class tickets without Being Express tickets for 3 class tickets without tickets marked Express will cost more when get [through] than 2 class Express tickets will cost when git through for the Express goes through without laying over it will take as long to go on [illeg] Emigrent tickets to Chicago as to take the Boats & the Boats are the Cheapest But when you take the Boxes to the Harbour you can learn which will be the cheapest to go to toronto & grand trunk Road on the lakes & Check the trunks through } last night a snow storm & cold heare today.
now Henry I have left with A Cambell to get 3 class tickets for my folks, But you must not take 3 class tickets without Being Express tickets for 3 class tickets without tickets marked Express will cost more when get [through] than 2 class Express tickets will cost when git through for the Express goes through without laying over it will take as long to go on [illeg] Emigrent tickets to Chicago as to take the Boats & the Boats are the Cheapest But when you take the Boxes to the Harbour you can learn which will be the cheapest to go to toronto & grand trunk Road on the lakes & Check the trunks through } last night a snow storm & cold heare today.
Pioneer Lives