Childs family letters, 1860-1865
1862-05-07 Page 1
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Philadelphia May the 7 186[1?] Dear brother I received A letter from you A long time Ago And have not had time to Answer it before now Spring has Come Again Once More And brought With It A grate Deal of Work for us to do the Water Was Some [9?] feete Higher then in 186[1?] It Carried of A Good deal of Our fence Along the Creek So you See I have to Work al of the time this Spring Sundays to Wee Dont have N No hired help this Spring yet So you See I have no time to Write I have Write to Thomas Once Since I wrote to you Wee received A A letter from Climena this week Stating that you was About ging mad So you see I am not to blame for Not writing to you befor When the Snow Weant of In March
Philadelphia May the 7 186[1?] Dear brother I received A letter from you A long time Ago And have not had time to Answer it before now Spring has Come Again Once More And brought With It A grate Deal of Work for us to do the Water Was Some [9?] feete Higher then in 186[1?] It Carried of A Good deal of Our fence Along the Creek So you See I have to Work al of the time this Spring Sundays to Wee Dont have N No hired help this Spring yet So you See I have no time to Write I have Write to Thomas Once Since I wrote to you Wee received A A letter from Climena this week Stating that you was About ging mad So you see I am not to blame for Not writing to you befor When the Snow Weant of In March
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