Childs family letters, 1860-1865
1862-05-07 Page 2
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that Spring had Com It Came I will tell you what It brought With it it brought a long Could Spell I began to plough In March Sowed Some Oates the first Week In April then It was 2 weeks befor Wee Don enything More puting In Spring Crops wee got our Oates And barley All Sowed in April Wee Sowed Some 25 bushel of Oates And 14 of barley Wee Sowe About [9?] Acres of big peas And About 5 Acres of Wheat Our potatoes Are Aall planted Onely A Small [piece on?] the Peek lote father has gote his Hoopes poles All Sete Onely 100 them he has gote to Cute yet out of woodes Henry Wee Are Haveing A long Couled Spring hear Just the Same As (??) And very Weate Wee milk 21 Cowes now feed Is very Shorte here now And I think Always will be Although Our Cowes Do very well this Spring people
that Spring had Com It Came I will tell you what It brought With it it brought a long Could Spell I began to plough In March Sowed Some Oates the first Week In April then It was 2 weeks befor Wee Don enything More puting In Spring Crops wee got our Oates And barley All Sowed in April Wee Sowed Some 25 bushel of Oates And 14 of barley Wee Sowe About [9?] Acres of big peas And About 5 Acres of Wheat Our potatoes Are Aall planted Onely A Small [piece on?] the Peek lote father has gote his Hoopes poles All Sete Onely 100 them he has gote to Cute yet out of woodes Henry Wee Are Haveing A long Couled Spring hear Just the Same As (??) And very Weate Wee milk 21 Cowes now feed Is very Shorte here now And I think Always will be Although Our Cowes Do very well this Spring people
Pioneer Lives