Childs family letters, 1860-1865
1862-09-10 Page 2
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I have got It All ploughed but One Days Werke thar is a grat rush Now after the Mailes you wanted to know Who I Selde the [Horse?] to It was Josef M[?]ison Down Below [illeg] Old place Nayler hase got out of the woods he has Mad 86: [?] of Sugar his teams Is Now puting In graine And He [boards?] to the Old [?] to the Same Old place as last winter Ann [?] And George C Sherman Has Diede Since I wrote to you Nayler Is a going to Sow 10 Acres of beans Joseph H Is a going to Sow 7 acres of flax he sells the Stem fer 7 per tun In the fall When Retede at Threshed Wee Shall So 20 Acres of Wheat and the rest to Oats 40 acres In all plant Some Corne And Some Int Hops the Hops Dide all live last Winter fater Is Seting poles Now I have got a large Springe Werke to Do this Spring
I have got It All ploughed but One Days Werke thar is a grat rush Now after the Mailes you wanted to know Who I Selde the [Horse?] to It was Josef M[?]ison Down Below [illeg] Old place Nayler hase got out of the woods he has Mad 86: [?] of Sugar his teams Is Now puting In graine And He [boards?] to the Old [?] to the Same Old place as last winter Ann [?] And George C Sherman Has Diede Since I wrote to you Nayler Is a going to Sow 10 Acres of beans Joseph H Is a going to Sow 7 acres of flax he sells the Stem fer 7 per tun In the fall When Retede at Threshed Wee Shall So 20 Acres of Wheat and the rest to Oats 40 acres In all plant Some Corne And Some Int Hops the Hops Dide all live last Winter fater Is Seting poles Now I have got a large Springe Werke to Do this Spring
Pioneer Lives