Childs family letters, 1860-1865
1862-09-10 Page 3
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Our Hired girles Names is Rosette Eliot her home Is In [pithin?] thay Neighbors to Davide Mosher place wharat Spencers Kirk brides Now Lives I I pay her 1,25 per Week Wee Shall begin to Make Cheese the last of May I go of ter the Mailes 2 a week Thomas wrot Me What papers you tak And how meny times you go of ter the Mailes In a week Thomas I Have found a bugy I think Will Suit you When you get Ite I Have to pay 90,00 Dollars I get It Of Reamson Philips here at the Depot the bugy Is painted black It has got a higher back then your Other One had Ite has got Side Springs Carpet Cushions the box I Ate the Sides fronts of Seat I think Ite Is a stronge wagon and well Made Ite was Mad In Conneticut He wants fer pay until Febuary untile your Note of J E Hicks Is Due
Our Hired girles Names is Rosette Eliot her home Is In [pithin?] thay Neighbors to Davide Mosher place wharat Spencers Kirk brides Now Lives I I pay her 1,25 per Week Wee Shall begin to Make Cheese the last of May I go of ter the Mailes 2 a week Thomas wrot Me What papers you tak And how meny times you go of ter the Mailes In a week Thomas I Have found a bugy I think Will Suit you When you get Ite I Have to pay 90,00 Dollars I get It Of Reamson Philips here at the Depot the bugy Is painted black It has got a higher back then your Other One had Ite has got Side Springs Carpet Cushions the box I Ate the Sides fronts of Seat I think Ite Is a stronge wagon and well Made Ite was Mad In Conneticut He wants fer pay until Febuary untile your Note of J E Hicks Is Due
Pioneer Lives