Childs family letters, 1860-1865
1863-06-13 Page 1
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Philadelphia June the 13 1863 Dear brother I gote your letter of that Note yesterday ite come through in 9 Days Henry I Shoulde like to be With you When you Settle With your Dutchman cropes look well here Wee have Hade plenty of raine And Some Warm Weather this Spring grass looks well now Our Cowes Are A Doing very well now thay give [150?] pounds A day Cheese was worth 20 cts A Spell Ago John Childs got home the 23 of May he has gon in company with John Waite John Will not go to Iowa to live Wattson Is A coming in the fall of 1870 to get His father [?] is A Coming this fall I Donte think that can get him Henry Nayler Owes Some 6000 Dollars here now Mary Jane Childs was mairriade While John Was gon up [Weast?] Johns Wife was
Philadelphia June the 13 1863 Dear brother I gote your letter of that Note yesterday ite come through in 9 Days Henry I Shoulde like to be With you When you Settle With your Dutchman cropes look well here Wee have Hade plenty of raine And Some Warm Weather this Spring grass looks well now Our Cowes Are A Doing very well now thay give [150?] pounds A day Cheese was worth 20 cts A Spell Ago John Childs got home the 23 of May he has gon in company with John Waite John Will not go to Iowa to live Wattson Is A coming in the fall of 1870 to get His father [?] is A Coming this fall I Donte think that can get him Henry Nayler Owes Some 6000 Dollars here now Mary Jane Childs was mairriade While John Was gon up [Weast?] Johns Wife was
Pioneer Lives