Childs family letters, 1860-1865
1863-12-18 Page 1
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To Thomas Philadelphia Dec the 13 1863 Dear Brothers Thomas Wee got your letter this morning Stating that you had ben to See Watson and Vinctent And that You found themn Well And in a good part of the Country And plenty of timber Maple and Oake I am glad to here from the boys I hope that thay Will Make Somthing fer I think that they have to take thar father to keepe Some Day to live With them Thomas I Have got the graine thrashed Out I had One the Peek farme 120 bushel of Oats 35 of Wheat One 1/3 of the hay I had In All 140 bushel of Wheat 230 Of Oats Ite One Week to thrash it Out Wee had A Could Snap When the Machine Was here the Could Snap Lasted About 10 Days now Ite quite Warm And to Day Ite raines Jearry Farwell runs the Machine
To Thomas Philadelphia Dec the 13 1863 Dear Brothers Thomas Wee got your letter this morning Stating that you had ben to See Watson and Vinctent And that You found themn Well And in a good part of the Country And plenty of timber Maple and Oake I am glad to here from the boys I hope that thay Will Make Somthing fer I think that they have to take thar father to keepe Some Day to live With them Thomas I Have got the graine thrashed Out I had One the Peek farme 120 bushel of Oats 35 of Wheat One 1/3 of the hay I had In All 140 bushel of Wheat 230 Of Oats Ite One Week to thrash it Out Wee had A Could Snap When the Machine Was here the Could Snap Lasted About 10 Days now Ite quite Warm And to Day Ite raines Jearry Farwell runs the Machine
Pioneer Lives