Childs family letters, 1860-1865
1864-08-02 Page 1
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Philadelphia August 2 1864 To Henry Child [Sir?] As [thi?] has been Several Days past Since I wrote you or that I have [recid] a Letter from you and it is a Little rainy this morning and I have nothing to do and have done nothing for Several weeks past and do not intend to for Several weeks to come I take this oppertunity to write to you & your wife hoping that they may reach you in due time and that you will be Enjoying yourSelves on the [illeg] [illeg] and making [money?] this year of good [times?] now I am boarding on my farm with [illeg] Sweets [who?] [has taken?] my farm Same as when you had it they are fine people and getting along well have 18 cows and take the milk to the [Factory?] Cheese is worth now 25 cts our crops are poor [illeg] in the Spring and dry weather Since Still what grain we got will bring a price to pay ower cows will pay better than when you was here and got 6 for cheese I made Sugar last Spring ([?]000 lb) have Sold from 18 to 20 [¢?] have now Some one for two month werk. my farm will bring me more than usual [illeg] I had to buy Cows Last Spring went to Canada in may owing to the Exchange my cows cost me here [$?]35. our hay [crop?] is good and all in Some have hay to cut yet we have had it to dry and warm that hay crop has been [illeg] much and Should have been all in the Barn three weeks ago but helf is Scarce and farmes have to work with what helf they have Wages from [$]2 to [$]3. Some Light-hands at [illeg] I was at your fathers yesterday. [illeg] is werking hard as usual. he is Cutting [illeg]. he is getting [illeg]. Alvan Cooper was Married Last Spring and is farming as usual. Ensign is Werking away has two children the youngest is the [Largst?] (written above and around date as addendum:) your Uncle Joseph is going about I cannot tell whare for he is onely a Short time at his old House he lived Last winter at [the?] widow Curtises now some time in [illeg] looks hard if he would go to his Sons in [Ioway?] he would be well provided for I bought 100 Barrels flour at ¢ 11 to make [illeg] be I will not make much I have bought a few cheese one day I went out and bought and Sent down [and made] Since 65. that is all I have done to make I intend to do something this fall or leave it untill next spring and (along right margin:) make suger I think of starting another [illeg] of 6000 [illeg] we farm one of the best places you ever See can get that [illeg] no on 100 acrs [illeg] (bottom:) I built a good [Horse?] barn last spring on my [Sugar?] ground
Philadelphia August 2 1864 To Henry Child [Sir?] As [thi?] has been Several Days past Since I wrote you or that I have [recid] a Letter from you and it is a Little rainy this morning and I have nothing to do and have done nothing for Several weeks past and do not intend to for Several weeks to come I take this oppertunity to write to you & your wife hoping that they may reach you in due time and that you will be Enjoying yourSelves on the [illeg] [illeg] and making [money?] this year of good [times?] now I am boarding on my farm with [illeg] Sweets [who?] [has taken?] my farm Same as when you had it they are fine people and getting along well have 18 cows and take the milk to the [Factory?] Cheese is worth now 25 cts our crops are poor [illeg] in the Spring and dry weather Since Still what grain we got will bring a price to pay ower cows will pay better than when you was here and got 6 for cheese I made Sugar last Spring ([?]000 lb) have Sold from 18 to 20 [¢?] have now Some one for two month werk. my farm will bring me more than usual [illeg] I had to buy Cows Last Spring went to Canada in may owing to the Exchange my cows cost me here [$?]35. our hay [crop?] is good and all in Some have hay to cut yet we have had it to dry and warm that hay crop has been [illeg] much and Should have been all in the Barn three weeks ago but helf is Scarce and farmes have to work with what helf they have Wages from [$]2 to [$]3. Some Light-hands at [illeg] I was at your fathers yesterday. [illeg] is werking hard as usual. he is Cutting [illeg]. he is getting [illeg]. Alvan Cooper was Married Last Spring and is farming as usual. Ensign is Werking away has two children the youngest is the [Largst?] (written above and around date as addendum:) your Uncle Joseph is going about I cannot tell whare for he is onely a Short time at his old House he lived Last winter at [the?] widow Curtises now some time in [illeg] looks hard if he would go to his Sons in [Ioway?] he would be well provided for I bought 100 Barrels flour at ¢ 11 to make [illeg] be I will not make much I have bought a few cheese one day I went out and bought and Sent down [and made] Since 65. that is all I have done to make I intend to do something this fall or leave it untill next spring and (along right margin:) make suger I think of starting another [illeg] of 6000 [illeg] we farm one of the best places you ever See can get that [illeg] no on 100 acrs [illeg] (bottom:) I built a good [Horse?] barn last spring on my [Sugar?] ground
Pioneer Lives