Childs family letters, 1860-1865
1864-08-02 Page 4
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His wife keeps Still. Alvans Says Something. Mack is farming Same as when you was here George [illeg] is making Money he has 2 Cars take his milk to factory in fact all [illeg] Say 3 [illeg] take their milk about [$] 20000 worth of Cheese will be made from the [factory?] [Some] 400 cows [illeg] Sent or I Sent [illeg] the factory 81 cheese of [the but?] made (15 cts was offerd) [the?] 16 ct Sold 100 cheese at 18 ct Sold 150 cheese at 21 ct [illeg] 8000 we should have made [illeg] was not [illeg] to Keep all and we get a good [illeg] Cannot tell what we will get for the rest [illeg] 25 or 30 cts [illeg] Butter is werth 50 cts wheat [$]2,50 to 2,60 [and?] meal [$]350 [illeg] Oats [8?] any kind of feed is high and even whisky 10 ct a [illeg] I have given up drinking & smoking as [Segers] is 10 ct [illeg] will not pay. Hotell men are charging 50 ct per meal. 75 ct fer Hay for Horses over night. So you [illeg] that a man must bee doing a proffitable bussnuss to Live at the Hotells. now I had Some Ide of coming west this Sumur but owing to circumstance [illeg] thinks I should not come I would like to come up and See what you are doing and how you have got your [illeg] [illeg] would like to See what Kind of a [farmes] Thomas make maybe I will Call on you Some time. if I should be [illeg] [illeg] I no doubt will in a year or So. I think Some times if I could Sell my property here I would go west. I recid a letter from [illeg] and as I had not wrote him [illeg] Since 4 years I gave [him] a full Letter Same as I Shall you he is Living in the Village and werks on his farm Some. thy are doing will from Informations. Henry Brown was up to See his brother who Lives in Iowa north of you he Likes the County and Says their wheat crop is good and they are making mony he purchased more Land He has a farm here. the B Akerman farm. he werks Some. [Fretty?] is at Carthage in a clothing Store Henry [finishes?] goods [Frety?] has [1/2?] they are doing will. Many of the young men have gon to the war and Leaves our county Scarce fer help and next draft wil (above the first line:) Budd & [illeg] and Harting the [illeg] at Carthage will be making Iron in Oct. now Henry many people are making their fortunes during this cruel war I begin to think this war will Last 3 years and may [4] for their is more reblle now than two years ago I Learn that your State has enough a head So their will not be a draft. write as to that
His wife keeps Still. Alvans Says Something. Mack is farming Same as when you was here George [illeg] is making Money he has 2 Cars take his milk to factory in fact all [illeg] Say 3 [illeg] take their milk about [$] 20000 worth of Cheese will be made from the [factory?] [Some] 400 cows [illeg] Sent or I Sent [illeg] the factory 81 cheese of [the but?] made (15 cts was offerd) [the?] 16 ct Sold 100 cheese at 18 ct Sold 150 cheese at 21 ct [illeg] 8000 we should have made [illeg] was not [illeg] to Keep all and we get a good [illeg] Cannot tell what we will get for the rest [illeg] 25 or 30 cts [illeg] Butter is werth 50 cts wheat [$]2,50 to 2,60 [and?] meal [$]350 [illeg] Oats [8?] any kind of feed is high and even whisky 10 ct a [illeg] I have given up drinking & smoking as [Segers] is 10 ct [illeg] will not pay. Hotell men are charging 50 ct per meal. 75 ct fer Hay for Horses over night. So you [illeg] that a man must bee doing a proffitable bussnuss to Live at the Hotells. now I had Some Ide of coming west this Sumur but owing to circumstance [illeg] thinks I should not come I would like to come up and See what you are doing and how you have got your [illeg] [illeg] would like to See what Kind of a [farmes] Thomas make maybe I will Call on you Some time. if I should be [illeg] [illeg] I no doubt will in a year or So. I think Some times if I could Sell my property here I would go west. I recid a letter from [illeg] and as I had not wrote him [illeg] Since 4 years I gave [him] a full Letter Same as I Shall you he is Living in the Village and werks on his farm Some. thy are doing will from Informations. Henry Brown was up to See his brother who Lives in Iowa north of you he Likes the County and Says their wheat crop is good and they are making mony he purchased more Land He has a farm here. the B Akerman farm. he werks Some. [Fretty?] is at Carthage in a clothing Store Henry [finishes?] goods [Frety?] has [1/2?] they are doing will. Many of the young men have gon to the war and Leaves our county Scarce fer help and next draft wil (above the first line:) Budd & [illeg] and Harting the [illeg] at Carthage will be making Iron in Oct. now Henry many people are making their fortunes during this cruel war I begin to think this war will Last 3 years and may [4] for their is more reblle now than two years ago I Learn that your State has enough a head So their will not be a draft. write as to that
Pioneer Lives