Childs family letters, 1860-1865
1863-05-11 Page 1
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Dear Brother Philadelphia May the 11 1863 I received a letter from Thomas last week Stated that your Grain was all up grean Here the Oats Is Sowed but the Wheat Is Not but will be Soon Henry I wish that you would tell me how far you are from the river Missippie and kinde of Land your last piece was timbur or prairie or Swamp or [Rocks??] Have you ben up to See Watson Child yet Henry Is Thomas a going to be marriad this Sumer he Said that he Wanted his bugy the Midle Of June I think that there is a Spree a head the 4 of July He all so ses that he thinks of trying to farme Next Season One his own [illeg] Nayler Com very near haveing that big Horse that [you
Dear Brother Philadelphia May the 11 1863 I received a letter from Thomas last week Stated that your Grain was all up grean Here the Oats Is Sowed but the Wheat Is Not but will be Soon Henry I wish that you would tell me how far you are from the river Missippie and kinde of Land your last piece was timbur or prairie or Swamp or [Rocks??] Have you ben up to See Watson Child yet Henry Is Thomas a going to be marriad this Sumer he Said that he Wanted his bugy the Midle Of June I think that there is a Spree a head the 4 of July He all so ses that he thinks of trying to farme Next Season One his own [illeg] Nayler Com very near haveing that big Horse that [you
Pioneer Lives