Childs family letters, 1860-1865
1865-03-01 Page 1
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Philadelphia March the 1 1865 Dear brother I got A letter from you Some 2 Weeks Ago that thin Sheet Wrote With a leade pencil hade faidede all Oute So I Coulde not make Out What Ite Was I Saw Some figures On One Side of ite I think Ite Was Some buissness Writeing If you have not for got What Ite Was pleas Write the same Again I think Wee Shall have A late Spring for Snow is very Deepe 3 feet or More in Some places the fences ar Onely 1 raile high the people has to plough the roades the Weather is very Could Alvin Cooper has bought Oute
Philadelphia March the 1 1865 Dear brother I got A letter from you Some 2 Weeks Ago that thin Sheet Wrote With a leade pencil hade faidede all Oute So I Coulde not make Out What Ite Was I Saw Some figures On One Side of ite I think Ite Was Some buissness Writeing If you have not for got What Ite Was pleas Write the same Again I think Wee Shall have A late Spring for Snow is very Deepe 3 feet or More in Some places the fences ar Onely 1 raile high the people has to plough the roades the Weather is very Could Alvin Cooper has bought Oute
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