Childs family letters, 1860-1865
1865-07-19 Page 2
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without working vary hard wich is the [illeg] motto here our grass is fair in this section but is a light crop generally early sowed grain is good but lat sowed is light the lice that destroyed the lat grain last year have not made thare appear ince yet we can doe with out them we are having excited times agan in regard to drafting you have heard no dout of the riot in New York Citty we expect some live ly times here soon I was in watertown last wednesday and the village wass all on a boil but thay have a strong pollice and will be well garded thay have drafted in st Lawrence County and Hamilton Child is drafted things begin to look some better lately in regard to the war I think the back bone of the rebelion must be nearly broke from your Brother J H Child write soon
without working vary hard wich is the [illeg] motto here our grass is fair in this section but is a light crop generally early sowed grain is good but lat sowed is light the lice that destroyed the lat grain last year have not made thare appear ince yet we can doe with out them we are having excited times agan in regard to drafting you have heard no dout of the riot in New York Citty we expect some live ly times here soon I was in watertown last wednesday and the village wass all on a boil but thay have a strong pollice and will be well garded thay have drafted in st Lawrence County and Hamilton Child is drafted things begin to look some better lately in regard to the war I think the back bone of the rebelion must be nearly broke from your Brother J H Child write soon
Pioneer Lives