Childs family letters, 1860-1865
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Philadelphia Dec the 17 1865 My dear children the time seemes verry long indeed since we have heard a word from you we think that you must be sick or dead we dont know what to think we have been to the office A geat many times but found nothing uncle oliver and aunt sarah started for some four weeks ago tomorrow morning we have had a letter from them And he was better than when he started we are all and hope that these lines will find you the same we are afraid that some of you are sick the reason that you have not rote thomas was sick the last we heard but was better and henry was sick to Grand mother is quite smart this winter she is A coming here as soon as it [coms?] good sleighing the weather here is quite cold and A bout twoo inches of snow I must close my love to all thus from your mother doo please wright soon
Philadelphia Dec the 17 1865 My dear children the time seemes verry long indeed since we have heard a word from you we think that you must be sick or dead we dont know what to think we have been to the office A geat many times but found nothing uncle oliver and aunt sarah started for some four weeks ago tomorrow morning we have had a letter from them And he was better than when he started we are all and hope that these lines will find you the same we are afraid that some of you are sick the reason that you have not rote thomas was sick the last we heard but was better and henry was sick to Grand mother is quite smart this winter she is A coming here as soon as it [coms?] good sleighing the weather here is quite cold and A bout twoo inches of snow I must close my love to all thus from your mother doo please wright soon
Pioneer Lives