Childs family letters, 1860-1865
1865-12-31 Page 2
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Watsons wife has been here some twoo months A go she said that they were acomeing to visit you this winter Naylor lives with them and His wife is Agoing out there this winter or spring she dont know which yet their liveing to her farthers I have not seen her baby yet hams wife has got A girl About twoo monts old And Mary jane waful has got another boy six weeks old frank Skinner is liveing with aunt lydia this winter and goes to skool our folks has got four fat hogs in the pen waiting for A better price they was Offerd seventeen dollars per hundred last fall but now it is twelve we have got three hundred weight of butter on hand butter has been forty five but now it is not more than thirty the price went down very sudden we have not made near as mutch this year as last from the cows grain is low here our folks has not any to sell josephs folks are well duty has got [illeg] [illeg] he use to live
Watsons wife has been here some twoo months A go she said that they were acomeing to visit you this winter Naylor lives with them and His wife is Agoing out there this winter or spring she dont know which yet their liveing to her farthers I have not seen her baby yet hams wife has got A girl About twoo monts old And Mary jane waful has got another boy six weeks old frank Skinner is liveing with aunt lydia this winter and goes to skool our folks has got four fat hogs in the pen waiting for A better price they was Offerd seventeen dollars per hundred last fall but now it is twelve we have got three hundred weight of butter on hand butter has been forty five but now it is not more than thirty the price went down very sudden we have not made near as mutch this year as last from the cows grain is low here our folks has not any to sell josephs folks are well duty has got [illeg] [illeg] he use to live
Pioneer Lives