Childs family letters, 1860-1865
1865-12-31 Page 4
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Henry I feel thankful to the farther of mercys that he has raised the from a sick bed I hope that the will put thy trust in god and serve him with a perfect hearth and a willing mind we was verry mutch troubled because we could not hear from the farther wanted to send A letter to benjamin palmer to see if hee knowd anything about you Oliver said that he would send A telegraph dispach I bid you farewell my love to all this from your well wishing mother to Henry and Climena and Stella Child I have to wright by Candelight I expet that you would think that I rote by moon light we are all well and hope that these awful lines will find you the same please wright soon and oblige how does thomas and kate get A long thomas wrights to oliver but not to us this little Greenback is for stella Adlade for A new year's presant
Henry I feel thankful to the farther of mercys that he has raised the from a sick bed I hope that the will put thy trust in god and serve him with a perfect hearth and a willing mind we was verry mutch troubled because we could not hear from the farther wanted to send A letter to benjamin palmer to see if hee knowd anything about you Oliver said that he would send A telegraph dispach I bid you farewell my love to all this from your well wishing mother to Henry and Climena and Stella Child I have to wright by Candelight I expet that you would think that I rote by moon light we are all well and hope that these awful lines will find you the same please wright soon and oblige how does thomas and kate get A long thomas wrights to oliver but not to us this little Greenback is for stella Adlade for A new year's presant
Pioneer Lives