Childs family letters, 1866-1870
1866-08-20 Page 1
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Philadelphia August the 28 1866 Dear Brother I received your letter of the 12 A bout that wagon you said that the box was Damaged What about the bugy box Or the box the box that the wagon was sent In Was the box broke Open When you received it What part of the box Was Damage And how much these tungs I will See the Agent And have him find them And Send them One to you Shall I gain for Damages One the box Or Not Henry How much was the freight One the box if you have give up that bill you must make your Agent give you A bill that those 2? tungs was lost And Send Ite to me if thay don't Come to you in One month you Said that you had A heavy
Philadelphia August the 28 1866 Dear Brother I received your letter of the 12 A bout that wagon you said that the box was Damaged What about the bugy box Or the box the box that the wagon was sent In Was the box broke Open When you received it What part of the box Was Damage And how much these tungs I will See the Agent And have him find them And Send them One to you Shall I gain for Damages One the box Or Not Henry How much was the freight One the box if you have give up that bill you must make your Agent give you A bill that those 2? tungs was lost And Send Ite to me if thay don't Come to you in One month you Said that you had A heavy
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