Childs family letters, 1866-1870
1867-11-03 Page 1
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Philadelphia Nove the 3 1867 Dear brother Ite Has ben alonge time Since I Have hearde from you I Supose you are thrashing yet Wee Are a haveing a Dry fall I supose you Have the Same the [Streams] Are very low here Wee Are all Well as usal father Hade 180 pounds of Hoopes In the baile He Has Sente them to New york Butter Is Worth 40 cts per pound Now Cows Is worth 45 Dollars Grande Mother Hicks Is A boute the Same as When I wrote last I must tel you A boute John Child He Has gote 2000 Dollars hamilton the Same And Mary Jane 1500 fell to them from an Ould Aunt In Pennsylvania John Childs Has gote Mairriade to Lydia Waite John Waites Daughter And Louis allin to Adam Allin Down In Sarahtoga Since I Wrote last Fredrick Hoppe Has Diede Since I Wrote laste He lived to Adams He Was buryed her In Philadelphia John Childs Is a goinge to build a New House Next Spring up On uncle Josephs Ould place Hees A going to tare Down his Ould One I think thare Will be a fuss With John and uncle Joseph farmers Are Not A Doing Much ploughing this fall becaus the ground Is so Dry And harde Cheese Sells for 14 3/4 Cents per pound Oxen is Worth 200 Dollars per yoke Spring Calves is Worth 8 to 10 Dollars Henry how Dose your Cowes Do this year Do you Make Cheese Or butter How meny hoges have you gote to Sell this fall How Meny head of Cattle have you gote to Winter
Philadelphia Nove the 3 1867 Dear brother Ite Has ben alonge time Since I Have hearde from you I Supose you are thrashing yet Wee Are a haveing a Dry fall I supose you Have the Same the [Streams] Are very low here Wee Are all Well as usal father Hade 180 pounds of Hoopes In the baile He Has Sente them to New york Butter Is Worth 40 cts per pound Now Cows Is worth 45 Dollars Grande Mother Hicks Is A boute the Same as When I wrote last I must tel you A boute John Child He Has gote 2000 Dollars hamilton the Same And Mary Jane 1500 fell to them from an Ould Aunt In Pennsylvania John Childs Has gote Mairriade to Lydia Waite John Waites Daughter And Louis allin to Adam Allin Down In Sarahtoga Since I Wrote last Fredrick Hoppe Has Diede Since I Wrote laste He lived to Adams He Was buryed her In Philadelphia John Childs Is a goinge to build a New House Next Spring up On uncle Josephs Ould place Hees A going to tare Down his Ould One I think thare Will be a fuss With John and uncle Joseph farmers Are Not A Doing Much ploughing this fall becaus the ground Is so Dry And harde Cheese Sells for 14 3/4 Cents per pound Oxen is Worth 200 Dollars per yoke Spring Calves is Worth 8 to 10 Dollars Henry how Dose your Cowes Do this year Do you Make Cheese Or butter How meny hoges have you gote to Sell this fall How Meny head of Cattle have you gote to Winter
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