Childs family letters, 1866-1870
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first month nineteenth eight teen hundred and sixty eight Dear Children I now take my pen in hand to inform you of our welfare We are all well and Hope that these lines will find you the same Oliver Has gone out to Amos evens today Amos has been verry sick they think that he is a little better Oliver Has got A new buffalo skin and A set of new harness and His cutter is nice as new He looks quite styleish when he gets his colts Harnesst and ready to start Mary and Willy bedell came Here last secondday night they came from Canada that day the came twenty miles in the sleigh and sixty two by car. Mary don't like Canada they dont expect to go there to live the weather has been verry cold here the most part of the time this winter we have about sixteen inches of snow and a few drifts we have to draw water from black creeck. Joseph has to draw water for all his cattle and for house use too I think Thomas has done well to get a living going. we got your letter last night and he spoke of swaping land We were sorry to hear that you had lost so many of your pigs the saying is that Him that has must loose katy spoke of her cristmas presants. I did not get any thing crismas but new years day About noon Willy come up and brought us a letter and behold when the letter was opend there was a news present we was verry glad to see him he looks like a little man now the other lookt like a baby I suppose that We never shall see anything but his picture untill he gets old enough to come alone. There is no prospect of our ever coming farther dont say that he will ever come Oliver says that he cant come untill next winter and then he would be no readier to come than he is now. I suppose that Henry's folks told you that grandmother was dead she died in full faith that she should live again. She had a great desire for her children and grandchildren that they might let nothing hinder them from laying up a treasure in heaven that fadeth not away my heart aches to bad to wright any more I will close My love to you all please wright soon and oblige this from your unworthy mother To Thomas Child and Katy Child and Oliver Child
first month nineteenth eight teen hundred and sixty eight Dear Children I now take my pen in hand to inform you of our welfare We are all well and Hope that these lines will find you the same Oliver Has gone out to Amos evens today Amos has been verry sick they think that he is a little better Oliver Has got A new buffalo skin and A set of new harness and His cutter is nice as new He looks quite styleish when he gets his colts Harnesst and ready to start Mary and Willy bedell came Here last secondday night they came from Canada that day the came twenty miles in the sleigh and sixty two by car. Mary don't like Canada they dont expect to go there to live the weather has been verry cold here the most part of the time this winter we have about sixteen inches of snow and a few drifts we have to draw water from black creeck. Joseph has to draw water for all his cattle and for house use too I think Thomas has done well to get a living going. we got your letter last night and he spoke of swaping land We were sorry to hear that you had lost so many of your pigs the saying is that Him that has must loose katy spoke of her cristmas presants. I did not get any thing crismas but new years day About noon Willy come up and brought us a letter and behold when the letter was opend there was a news present we was verry glad to see him he looks like a little man now the other lookt like a baby I suppose that We never shall see anything but his picture untill he gets old enough to come alone. There is no prospect of our ever coming farther dont say that he will ever come Oliver says that he cant come untill next winter and then he would be no readier to come than he is now. I suppose that Henry's folks told you that grandmother was dead she died in full faith that she should live again. She had a great desire for her children and grandchildren that they might let nothing hinder them from laying up a treasure in heaven that fadeth not away my heart aches to bad to wright any more I will close My love to you all please wright soon and oblige this from your unworthy mother To Thomas Child and Katy Child and Oliver Child
Pioneer Lives