Childs family letters, 1866-1870
1868-01-05 Page 2
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Wee Sent Our fall butter to Springefeild Mass Wee mad A bout 500 hundurd pounds Our grain is not thrashed yet Grand mother Hicks has Diede Since I Wrote to you last So has Hiram Cooper And Amos Evans Sone in Texas Samuel rogges Wife And A man by the Name of Wals Death is On Our track ite Will Over take us Som Day and in a momete When Wee are not A war of Ite you Wrote A bout you neighbour being the [big hat] [blower] in the State is he a Copper Heade Write [Sone] And tell me A bout that money thomas Wee recivd your letter And A type of you boy I think he Will Son be large anoughf to plough And Drive team I Will Write A gain the first of Next monthe Our [Park] Come to 102 Dollars And 92 cts this time Our tax is 68,26 Dollars And twenty Six cts how much was your tax And How much is Henrys John Mosher was here from Wisconsin he Staid 2 Weeks Our Well Is Dry And I think Always Will be Write soon And Oblige you brother O A Child
Wee Sent Our fall butter to Springefeild Mass Wee mad A bout 500 hundurd pounds Our grain is not thrashed yet Grand mother Hicks has Diede Since I Wrote to you last So has Hiram Cooper And Amos Evans Sone in Texas Samuel rogges Wife And A man by the Name of Wals Death is On Our track ite Will Over take us Som Day and in a momete When Wee are not A war of Ite you Wrote A bout you neighbour being the [big hat] [blower] in the State is he a Copper Heade Write [Sone] And tell me A bout that money thomas Wee recivd your letter And A type of you boy I think he Will Son be large anoughf to plough And Drive team I Will Write A gain the first of Next monthe Our [Park] Come to 102 Dollars And 92 cts this time Our tax is 68,26 Dollars And twenty Six cts how much was your tax And How much is Henrys John Mosher was here from Wisconsin he Staid 2 Weeks Our Well Is Dry And I think Always Will be Write soon And Oblige you brother O A Child
Pioneer Lives