Childs family letters, 1866-1870
1867-10-01 Page 2
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Don't send any money before you write me for you ought to keep the money and pay Interest until I want it Henry Can you get money Out of the bank just when you want it. I will Do the best I can Aboute money this next year please answer this father had some 200 pounds of dried Hoopes this year Wee are all Well as usual Dont send any money befor you here from me your brother O A Child
Don't send any money before you write me for you ought to keep the money and pay Interest until I want it Henry Can you get money Out of the bank just when you want it. I will Do the best I can Aboute money this next year please answer this father had some 200 pounds of dried Hoopes this year Wee are all Well as usual Dont send any money befor you here from me your brother O A Child
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