Childs family letters, 1866-1870
1868-02-09 Page 1
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Evans Mills Feb. 9th 1868 Dear Cousin I received your letter about too weeks ago and was glad to get it, Pa has been very sick for three weeks but is some better so he sits up he has had A sore leg for about fore or five months it was an Eryesiplas sore but it has healed up we hope it will get well, the rest of us is all well Tell Henry that [Brother?] Musgrave that lived in texas is ded he diedlast september 7th of the yelaw fevar, John Eliza and I are agoing to school we have a verry good school our teacher is a yong man, We are having good sleighing the snow is one foot deep in most places it snowes to day it is verry cold now but it has bin a very good winter, Christmas I went to the Mills to a Christmast tree but did not get any thing Eliza got a pocket
Evans Mills Feb. 9th 1868 Dear Cousin I received your letter about too weeks ago and was glad to get it, Pa has been very sick for three weeks but is some better so he sits up he has had A sore leg for about fore or five months it was an Eryesiplas sore but it has healed up we hope it will get well, the rest of us is all well Tell Henry that [Brother?] Musgrave that lived in texas is ded he diedlast september 7th of the yelaw fevar, John Eliza and I are agoing to school we have a verry good school our teacher is a yong man, We are having good sleighing the snow is one foot deep in most places it snowes to day it is verry cold now but it has bin a very good winter, Christmas I went to the Mills to a Christmast tree but did not get any thing Eliza got a pocket
Pioneer Lives