Childs family letters, 1866-1870
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Philadelphia March the 26 1868 Dear brother I have Sent 400 Dollars It Cost 6 Dollars to get its Draft on New York 2 Dollars going to Watertown 1,10 Dollar As Interest back to January 19 2,80 you may Send A Note of 406 Dollars Due One Day after Date I [cant?] nothing About how long I can wait I will write All of the News April the 4 O A Childs John Childs Started for Iowa last Monday Night you can Date the note March the 28 1868 that is the Date of the Draft
Philadelphia March the 26 1868 Dear brother I have Sent 400 Dollars It Cost 6 Dollars to get its Draft on New York 2 Dollars going to Watertown 1,10 Dollar As Interest back to January 19 2,80 you may Send A Note of 406 Dollars Due One Day after Date I [cant?] nothing About how long I can wait I will write All of the News April the 4 O A Childs John Childs Started for Iowa last Monday Night you can Date the note March the 28 1868 that is the Date of the Draft
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