Childs family letters, 1866-1870
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Medical Office of Prof. R. L. Hamilton, M. D. The most celebrated liver, blood and lung physician of the age, No. 546 Broadway. Post Office Box No. 4,952, To which all Letters must be directed, New York, 1868. Having rec'd no order for medicines since I sent you the last course I am fearful you did not receive them or my terms too high for your means. If the latter be the case. send me send me four (4) dollars fifty cts. and I will send promptly a full course of other remedies. Do not give up discouraged for I know there is every prospect of a cure. Indeed some of the best cures I have ever made were those who were discouraged in not being speedily cured. The medicine has done more for you than you probably realise. There can be no doubt as to the entire success of the treatment if you but persevere. Time is necessary in all such cases and I trust the reduction in price with my candid assurance that there is every prospect of a cure will induce you to again try to restore your health. It would afford me much satisfaction to know you were fully recovered. Please return this that I may not forget having made a special reduction in prices. Respry - R. L. Hamilton
Medical Office of Prof. R. L. Hamilton, M. D. The most celebrated liver, blood and lung physician of the age, No. 546 Broadway. Post Office Box No. 4,952, To which all Letters must be directed, New York, 1868. Having rec'd no order for medicines since I sent you the last course I am fearful you did not receive them or my terms too high for your means. If the latter be the case. send me send me four (4) dollars fifty cts. and I will send promptly a full course of other remedies. Do not give up discouraged for I know there is every prospect of a cure. Indeed some of the best cures I have ever made were those who were discouraged in not being speedily cured. The medicine has done more for you than you probably realise. There can be no doubt as to the entire success of the treatment if you but persevere. Time is necessary in all such cases and I trust the reduction in price with my candid assurance that there is every prospect of a cure will induce you to again try to restore your health. It would afford me much satisfaction to know you were fully recovered. Please return this that I may not forget having made a special reduction in prices. Respry - R. L. Hamilton
Pioneer Lives