Eve Drewelowe's journals, volumes II-III, 1950s
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But she had no money sense and had no business ability at all. My father had acquired some number of 80 acre of fat productive Iowa land which he prided himself with beautifying and improving with trees, orchards, buildings. But the fat acres once the insurance was gone were slapped with one morgage after another. About the first thing my mother did was to splurge on a big seven passenger Cadillac. In this we flew over the bumpy roads of 1914, the trottle wide at the stupendous speed of thirty five miles an hour. Merrily we zipped along striking the ruts which tossed those of us in the back seat from seat to top if the top happened to be up. Otherwise we blew along in the sun and wind top down, hatless, blackglassless, dusterless, veilless! It is only miraculous that some of us were never lost out.
But she had no money sense and had no business ability at all. My father had acquired some number of 80 acre of fat productive Iowa land which he prided himself with beautifying and improving with trees, orchards, buildings. But the fat acres once the insurance was gone were slapped with one morgage after another. About the first thing my mother did was to splurge on a big seven passenger Cadillac. In this we flew over the bumpy roads of 1914, the trottle wide at the stupendous speed of thirty five miles an hour. Merrily we zipped along striking the ruts which tossed those of us in the back seat from seat to top if the top happened to be up. Otherwise we blew along in the sun and wind top down, hatless, blackglassless, dusterless, veilless! It is only miraculous that some of us were never lost out.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries