Eve Drewelowe's journals, volumes II-III, 1950s
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14. still has - at the age of seventy-four - an ingenious, refreshingly original and inventive turn of mind. Furthermore, she always was a good mother and a splendid manager of a home and family. She also possesses a placid and even temperament plus a child-like impracticability and trust in people. In my childhood home - we being a large family - everything was done in an orderly manner according to a definite schedule; meals were well-balanced and at regular hours; various consignments and routine followed special days. Life, in fact flowed along according to a set pattern and an established order. It was only after I was away from the parental roof and was married myself that fixed life long habits became more and more lax. My husband was no better than I. If it was inconvenient for him to be home for luncheon at twelve we had lunch at 2:30; or at 4:30. What matter? And thus the stabilized habits of a lifetime of training were disrupted.
14. still has - at the age of seventy-four - an ingenious, refreshingly original and inventive turn of mind. Furthermore, she always was a good mother and a splendid manager of a home and family. She also possesses a placid and even temperament plus a child-like impracticability and trust in people. In my childhood home - we being a large family - everything was done in an orderly manner according to a definite schedule; meals were well-balanced and at regular hours; various consignments and routine followed special days. Life, in fact flowed along according to a set pattern and an established order. It was only after I was away from the parental roof and was married myself that fixed life long habits became more and more lax. My husband was no better than I. If it was inconvenient for him to be home for luncheon at twelve we had lunch at 2:30; or at 4:30. What matter? And thus the stabilized habits of a lifetime of training were disrupted.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries